they scare me too.

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It was one of the many nights that Stephen spent the night at Tony's. He was practically there every night, so when Tony suggested he move in, he surprisingly turned it down with the "it's too early for that" excuse. But it was starting to seem more realistic now.

The two were in eachothers arms, blissfully asleep. Ever since Stephen started sleeping over, the two started getting better sleeping patterns. It was truly a revelation. And helped with their attitudes of course.

The soft patter of raindrops could be heard from the tin roof, lulling the two men into a deeper sleep. The covers were soft on top of their intertwined bodies. Nothing could possibly be as calm as it was right then and there.

Suddenly then, a boom of thunder crashed in the night sky, Stephen's eyes immediately widening.

Stephen was practically fearless. He was so strong and not squeamish at spiders or blood or anything. Practically Tony's superhero when it came to spiders, but not Peter's superhero when it came to spiders, cause yaknow, reasons. But there was one thing that genuinely terrified Stephen.


It was a rational, yet irrational fear. He was safe, inside, with Tony, so why couldn't he believe that?

He began to shake Tony awake with his own shaky hands, hoping he wouldn't be too grumpy. Everything about this situation was something he hated. He hated when he shook from the fear. He hated being a burden. He hated thunderstorms.

Tony then woke up to a frantic Stephen, grabbing his cold shaky hands, them immediately calming in Tony's warm steady hands.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. What's up? Nightmare? Did I rub off on you?" He asked trying to soothe Stephen.

"Tony I don't think I've ever told you, I do not especially like thunderstorms. Not one bit." He confessed, sitting up as he watched the raindrops race down the window.

Tony then groggily sat up, hugging Stephen from behind so his arms were around his waist. "It's okay, I'm here." He cooed softly.

"I'm protecting the one thing I care about most in this life," He continued, his voice maintaining a softness he'd never used before. "That's you."

"Thank you Tony," He began to say, brushing his arms softly with his fingers. "I love you." He blushed, knowing it was the first time he had said that to Tony.

He had been in a serious relationship before, only with one other person. After Christine, he wasn't sure if he'd love again. But Tony turned that around in the mosy beautiful of ways. He truly meant it when he said I love you.

"Stephen," Tony said, happily. "I love you too."

Stephen looked over his shoulder to see Tony's face, resting against his shoulder. He gave him those sweet brown puppy eyes he could never resist, so of course, he leaned in and gave him the sickliest sweetest kiss he had ever given.

The storm raged on outside the windows, lightening bringing a new light to the two men infatuated with eachother. Truly, neither of them knew a love purer than theirs.


double update because i love you guys <33 tiny time skip to a few months later because reasons. i hope to update tonight or tomorrow again! hope you're enjoying the fluff :-) make sure to check out the playlist for this book linked in my bio!!

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