Chapter 5

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"What? Stacy's worried about me?" I said in disbelief of what Chris just told me.

"Yeah, she just thinks this whole thing is hard on you." Chris said.

"Of course it's hard on me. It's not easy having this total stranger carrying our child." I said.

"Of course it isn't." he said sitting across from me.

"So what did you say to her?" I asked.

"I said that its important for you to continue being involved. That's it." he said.

"Of course. What? We're just supposed to wait til she gives birth?" I said, shaking my head.

"She said that I should pick up the slack." Chris said scratching his chin.

"Oh my god.. she was coming on to you wasn't she?" I said finally realizing what I was too blind to see.

"What? Noo." Chris said shaking his head.

"Yes she was." I insisted.

"Are you kidding me?" Chris asked.

"Yes." I said staring into space, thinking of all the signs that were there.

"No, are you serious!" Chris asked.

"I'm serious!"

"Okay well I'm gonna get you a drink, and we are not gonna talk about Stacy any more tonight okay?" he said walking to the kitchen.

Is he blind? Everything is visible if you open your eyes. This girl is not slick.


"She keeps making all these passive aggressive comments, reminding me that she's the one giving birth." I told Mrs. Locke, our surrogate lady.

"And then she shows up at our house, and tries to convince Chris that I'm losing it. So I want you to tell me, if I'm being overly sensitive or she's off?" I said.

"Well.. I'd say maybe its a bit of both." Mrs. Locke said.

"So what do you think I should do?" I asked.

"Maybe limit your interaction with her." she suggested. "What matters really is the baby's health." Mrs. Locke said and I nodded like she could see me.

"So do whatever you can to keep your surrogate happy. It's just a few months, I say do it." she said.

"You're right." I sighed.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye," I said hanging up.


I breathed in and breathed out, keeping my formation. I was doing paternity yoga with a class.

"First time in prenatal?" the teacher asked when we were done.

"Yes," I answered happily.

"I'm Allison." she said holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Stacy." I said shaking hers.

"Nice to meet you." she said.

"You have kids?" I asked at her petite body.

"Yeah, two. The boy just turned three, and my daughter is eight months." she smiled.

"Wow!" I said in shock.

"Is this your first?" she asked.

"First of many with my husband." I smiled.

"Oh yeah?" she said.

"Yeah, Chris loves kids. He's already baby proofing the house. I keep telling him we have a few months left. He can't wait, we're so excited." I said happily.

"Well he sounds like a keeper. Anyways nice to meet you, we'll see you in class Thursday?" Allison said getting up.

"Definitely." I said with a smile.


I was looking in the mirror at my big stomach and decided I wanted to see Chris. I pulled out my phone and called him.

"Hello?" he said.

"Chris it's a disaster!" I yelled into the phone.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" he asked.

"A pipe burst in my apartment, there's water everywhere! Please, you have to come over!"

"I'm sorry I can't. I'm busy right now." he said.

"Please! I don't know who else to call."

"Stacy.. I can't come." he said seriously.

"I'm worried about the baby. Please hurry." I said making it sound like I was panicking.

"Okay okay. I'll take care of it." he said.

I hung up and took the hammer I had next to me and I beat the shower faucet off. Causing water to gush everywhere.

I wet my hair and threw water on my shirt and face to make it look believable.

I heard a knock at the door and walked as fast as I could over to it.

"I'm coming Chris." I said pulling my loose tank top down so you could see my bra.

I opened the door and it was some weird guy standing there instead of who I wanted to see.

"Who are you?" I asked dryly.

"Plumber.. Mr. Brown said you have a problem."

I rolled my eyes and let him in. When he walked in I slammed the door and led him to my bathroom while I fixed my tank top.

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