Chapter 7

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"Thank you!" I said and hugged Allison for the baby clothes she got me as a gift.

"Hi." Stacy said shyly as she walked in the baby shower.

"Ohh.. what a coincidence. How do you two know each other?" Allison asked me and Stacy.

"She's my surrogate." I told her and she looked kind of uneasy.

"I met her at yoga class and she said it was her child." Allison whispered to me.

I excused myself and Allison and Stacy followed me to the kitchen.

"I can't believe you've been telling people this is your baby." I said to Stacy.

"I know but I needed support." Stacy said rubbing her stomach.

"Chris and I have given you so much support!" I said getting frustrated.

"I know but I needed to talk to real moms." Stacy said and Allison rolled her eyes.

"Okay, you are not gonna remind me again that I'm not carrying this child." I told her.

"Kae I didn't mean it like that."

"You still could have talked to moms while telling the truth." Allison said.

"I just thought that if I told them I was a surrogate, they would treat me differently." Stacy said.

"That's not okay." I told her.

"I know I'm not thinking clear! I think it's the hormones." Stacy said and Allison shook her head.

"You can't keep blaming your hormones. You need to take responsibility for your actions." I told her.

"I know, but please know I'm doing everything I can for your baby." she said rubbing her stomach.

"Promise me you're not gonna lie anymore please." I said.

"I promise!" Stacy said with a smile.

"Okay. If you wanna go out there and enjoy the party, I'll be out there in a sec." I told her.

"Sure." Stacy said and went to where everyone was.

"I don't know how you can be so understanding." Allison said when she was out of sight.

"I can't help but to. She's holding my baby hostage inside her." I shook my head.

"Karrueche she wasn't just telling me about having a baby.. she was talking about raising one." Allison said. "And the husband she's been describing is Chris." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I think she has some kind of fantasy that she's gonna raise this baby with Chris." Allison added.

"She's crazy." I said wiping a tear that had fallen.

"Yeah. What're we gonna do?" Allison asked.

"I'm gonna ride it out." I said fixing my hair.

"Okay. Lets go back to the party." she said leading me.


"Open mine next." I said giving kae my gift.

"You really didn't have to." She said ruffling through the paper.

"I know but I wanted too." I said as she lifted up the lullaby player.

"Aw thank you, it's cute." Kae said putting it back in the bag.

"Apparently baby's can hear music in the womb so I've been playing it to him." I said and her mood changed.

"Oops, surprise! It's a boy." I said and received strange looks from everyone including Kae.

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