Chapter 9

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"After you." Chris said leading us to the front door of our house. We just came back this afternoon.

"Do you wanna make dinner?" I asked him as I unlocked the door.

"Yeah." he said walking in behind me.

It felt weird. Like I know someone has been in here. I looked around and I heard a noise come from upstairs.

"What is that?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Chris said picking up a metal stick from the fireplace.

We walked upstairs and went around the corner to see Stacy in the nursery.

"Surprise!" Stacy said getting up from the rocking chair, which she had spelt Greg on.

"Stacy what the hell?!" Chris yelled.

"I thought I'd surprise you guys b-"

"Stop it! Just stop!" he yelled.

"I thought you'd be happy." Stacy said with her smile fading.

"Well we're not." Chris said looking at me then back at Stacy.

"I think it's best if you leave and don't come back. Go!" Chris said.

"Fine.. but you'll never see me or your baby again!" Stacy said walking out.

"Stacy wait!" I said chasing her.

"No you made your deci-" she stopped and you could hear liquid hit the floor.

I looked between her legs and it was obvious her water broke.

Me and Chris helped her to the car and drove her to the hospital.


Stacy let out one final push and we heard our son cry.

The doctor let Chris cut the umbilical cord and a nurse wrapped Kenneth in a blanket.

The nurse handed him to me and my smile instantly became wider.

"C-can I hold him?" I heard Stacy say.

"Nooo. I don't think that's a good idea." I said sitting down and rocking Kenneth back and forth with Chris over my shoulder.

"We had a deal I couldn't be in his life, not I couldn't hold him. Please." she said starting to cry.

"No Anastasia." I said as Chris kissed Kenneth's forehead.

"Chris please?" she begged.

"I just think its for the best." Chris told her.

"You're just saying that because she's here! Please, I wanna hold my baby. It's my baby!" Stacy said getting loud.

"I need to hold my son! I HATE YOU KARRUECHE TRAN!" Stacy said getting mad as we prepared to leave the room.

"Thank you, but we want no further contact with you." I said as we walked out the door.

"YOU BITCH! YOU WILL NEVER BE HIS MOTHER. I AM HIS MOTER" Stacy screamed as the door shut.


"I am so sorry that she ruined this experience for you." I told Kae as we sat and held Kenneth in the hospital's family room.

"I can't hate the woman that gave us Kenneth." Kae smiled.


"Chris.. Chris!" Kae said sounding panicked.


"Where's Kenneth?"

I got up and ran to the room Stacy had the baby in. While Kae told the police and nurses that someone took him.

I walked in with a nurse and a police officer, to see Stacy rocking the baby back and forth.

"Stacy.. Stacy, I need you to give me the baby." I told her.

"I just wanted to hold him." she said looking down at him.

"I love Greg, and I'd never do anything to hurt him." she said.

"I know, I'm not angry. Just give me the baby." I said calmly.

"You wanna go see your daddy?" she said to Kenneth. "I love you, go see your daddy." she said handing him to me.

As soon as I walked to the door the police officer held Stacy.

"We're calling the police!" Kae stated.

"I don't care!" Stacy yelled.

"You stay the hell away from us." I told Stacy and left with Kae.

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