Chapter 8

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I loaded me and Kae's luggage in the car. We're going to my beach house to get away, before the baby comes.

When we got there I had someone already make dinner for us.

"This is so sweet baby." Kae said looking at the candle lit dinner.

"Anything for you." I said kissing we forehead.

"Are you ready to be a parent?" I asked her as I ate my steak.

"Very much so. You?" she said.

"Ready when you are."

"How do you feel about Stacy?" Kae asked.

"She's our surrogate." I said confused.

"No. Like isn't she kind of creepy?" she said bringing her fork up to her lips.

"I guess.. Kae I brung us out here to get away. Not talk about everything else."

"You're right. You're right." she said wiping her mouth.

"Now if you're finished.. how about some desert?" I said and she smiled.

I picked her up and carried her upstairs to the bedroom.


I opened the door to their house. Don't ask how I got the key.

I walked upstairs and admired the nursery they had set up.

I didn't like the name they had spelt out in stickers on the chair.

My baby will not be called 'Kenneth'. I peeled the stickers off and picked up some letters off of the sticker sheet that was next to the chair.

I put in all capital letters 'GREG' after my ex boyfriend.

I walked out of the room and into the master bedroom.

I went into the closet and stripped out of my clothes.

I grabbed one of Chris's button ups and slipped it over my naked body.

I looked in the mirror and admired myself in it.

I went over to the bed and laid in the middle.

I hugged Chris's pillow that smelt just like him.

I can't wait til our baby gets here.

(A/N: this story is almost over lmao. It's short as hell. It'll be no more than four chapters to come and it'll be finished.)

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