I'm Surprised...

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...I'm surprised that, though Dean!fics are in abundance, nobody has one solely dedicated to Demon!Dean. I have yet to find one, anyhow.

Well, I can see why it'd be hard to make one a romantic one for him. You know, being Demon!Dean and all that.

Just an FYI for you, folks: This story will not be as fluffy as my others. This ship may not be as fluffy as Sakota, Dax, or Cassette, or Samvera (Samveruby wasn't really a fluffy trio...). Do not expect Demon!Dean to have fuzzy feelings for this new OC.

Well, then, you ask 'what can we expect, author, if you won't give us the fuzzy feels?'

I'm glad you asked. Expect some banter, perhaps the blossoming of a power couple. Oh, and the possibility of some smut. [I can already hear some of you thanking me.]

This book is rated Mature, mostly because of the possibility there may be some mild smut inserted in here (trust me, it's a lot of effort to write explicit stuff). There won't be 50 Shades type smut, and I will admit I'm a little rusty in writing it. It's also in Third POV too so that's a little more difficult for me to write. And yeah, there's mild language, but at this point that's considered normal in my books.

This will be a slight AU, if you haven't already drawn up that conclusion. It will be in the time frame that Sam is looking for Dean in Season 10. It won't follow Season 10's plot.

Disclaimer: This plot is all mine. Obviously, my OC and her plot is mine. The Supernatural characters, lore, and everything in between do not. That's a lot to claim, anyhow.

Also, quick reminders:

1) commenting "update!" or things similar will not make the book update faster. I stick by my schedules. As current readers, you should know this by now. For first time readers of my work, unless something happens, I always abide by my update schedule. In the event I can't update on my regular schedule, I do try my best to let my readers know (it helps if you follow me or check my message board if that is ever the case).

2) I, like you, are human. We are not perfect. Therefore, there may be some errors in this book. Even with grueling, productive editing sessions there can be mistakes left untouched. So, please, if you see an error and feel the need to say something,  do so politely. Snapping at me for an error will not give me a good first impression of you. I do (eventually) go back to edit even after posting, however, the time to do so for any uploaded works is scarce.

3) Remember, Dean is not the Dean Winchester we know and love. He's a demon; so he's going to be different in some aspects. So, please, don't complain that he's out of character. Being a demon will do that to a person. Rather, enjoy the fresh perspective of Demon!Dean in this book.

If you've reached the end and there is a new part, then read on! If not, wait patiently, my dear. There is more to come!

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