10 - On the Road to...Somewhere

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10 – On the Road to...Somewhere

"So...where are we going?" Selina asked. Dean hadn't said where they were going, just that they needed to move. The body in the backseat was a hunter.

What if he's got friends and they're looking for him? Selina thought. It'd make sense as to why Dean would want to run.

Though...Selina didn't think Dean would want to run from a fight. She'd assumed he'd run towards the action. What changed?

"We gotta make sure we can't be tracked first."

"You have no idea, do you?" Selina glanced down at the body in the backseat. Since they'd been on the road, she was afraid any bump they hit would wake the man up. I must've done a good hit on him. He's out cold.

Selina ran her hand along the silver blade. There wasn't much room for her to sit, as the man took up most of the backseat. She had to make due. She was armed, at least, with the weapon he tried to attack her with.

Selina dabbed at her cut again. The bleeding had stopped, but the wound still remained. He'll wish I only inflict a cut on him.

The man's feet started to move. Selina pushed herself against the door as much as possible without accidentally opening it. The man groaned, opening his eyes—Selina discovered they were a pretty hazel. Too pretty for a man who killed supernatural creatures like her.

Selina watched the man with narrow eyes as he came to his senses. His eyes were first on the ceiling of the car. Grunting, he used the car to sit up, rubbing his face. Selina kept the blade at her side.

"Hiya, sunshine," Selina greeted the man. She waggled her fingers at him.

"Who are you?" The man's voice was deep.

Selina flashed her black eyes.

The man tried to get his door open, but Dean had locked them all as they got on the road. The man cursed under his breath, looking around. His eyes fell upon the driver—or rather, the reflection of the driver in the mirror.

"Dean," he said breathlessly.

"How do you know Dean?" asked Selina.

"How do you?"

"Selina, meet Sam, my brother," Dean cut in. "Sam, meet Selina, my—"

"Partner in crime, fuck buddy, whatever you wish to call me," Selina finished sweetly. Sam looked mortified. "I've heard almost nothing about you, Sam."

"Funny, 'cause I've heard nothing about you," Sam retorted.

"Oh, that's because Dean and I just teamed up. He's helping me explore myself, and he's been a huge help. Rumor is you're trying to find him to turn him human with some cure for being a demon."

"There's no rumor to it, it's all truth." Sam tried to get out the car door again.

"You really want to tuck and roll and become road pizza? Your choice." Selina kept a tight grip on the blade. "By the way, this is mine now."

"How did you know I was around?"

"I didn't, happy accident. It was a surprise when you fought back with this." Selina giggled. "Most panic, or run and scream. Or all three."

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