07 - First Kill Celebration

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07 – First Kill Celebration

The bar was hopping, full of drunk, desperate people who were looking for someone to take home for the night. Through the throng of human drunks, the two demons sat at the bar. They knocked back drinks like there was no tomorrow.

"Say...you know what would be a good idea?" asked Selina.

"As much as I know what you're thinking, it's a bad idea. Killing drunks is practically mercy for them. A way out of their pathetic lives."

"Not all people drink to escape their 'pathetic' lives, you know. Some do it for fun. Some do it to celebrate, like we are."

"It was your idea, you wouldn't shut up about celebrating your first kill."

Selina snorted. "Say it any louder and someone will call the cops on us."

"Hey, let 'em. It'd be good practice for you. You got one notch under your belt."

Selina looked around the bar. She wasn't fond of the blasting music from the speakers, her hearing was more intense than in her human days. She found a lot of her senses were amplified. She didn't miss her human self. Though, she could have done without the torture and being locked away in Hell for all that time.

"Do we get drunk?" Selina inspected her freshly emptied glass.

"It takes some serious alcohol, but yeah, we do. It's angels that have a much higher tolerance."

Angels? Of course. I should have known. "Ah, angels, the natural enemy of demons. Of course they exist. Do they police the supernatural bad guys?"

Dean scoffed. "Hardly. They ain't the good cops. They're some of the worst creatures I know."

"So you've encountered them?"

"I've encountered a lot of monsters in my time."

The hairs on the nape of Selina's neck stood on end. Someone's watching. She looked around, waiting for something to spring out at her and Dean. She could see no other demonic faces hidden behind their meatsuits. Constant vigilance. She tried to push it from her mind, but it remained a nagging presence, though its voice was much quieter than before.

"You think we're being tailed?" asked Dean.


"You got that watchdog look on your face." Dean now began to look around, too.

"Guess I'm just not used to the freedom yet. Sometimes I think this will be stripped away from me, and I haven't left Hell at all."

"It can play with you." Dean signaled for another round of drinks for the two of them. "If Hell wants you back, you show them you earned your way out."

"You gonna be at my side if they do come for me?"

Dean chuckled. "This isn't a permanent partnership, bucktooth. Once you're good on your own, I'm flying solo."

"Well, you must enjoy my company on some level if you offered your guidance."

"I wouldn't go saying that."

"What, because it's true?" Selina quirked a brow in Dean's direction. "Or are you helping me in the hopes that you score with me in bed?"

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