01 - The Contact

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01 – The Contact

For a moment, Selina thought she had been lied to. She didn't notice a difference when leaving Hell. Everything still remained...dark. Though, she didn't recall ever feeling like she was crawling with bugs while in her cell.

In fact, when Selina opened her eyes, she felt dirt come into immediate contact. Panic seized in the demon's chest. I'm underground. Shit. Mind awhirl, she tried to move her limbs. The earth she was buried in made her incapable of maneuvering much.

Use your powers, dipshit. Demons have those. Closing her eyes, though dirt irritated them, Selina called upon her power. She felt it course through her fingertips. With a burst, she created a hole in her grave, allowing sunlight to poke through. Keep at it.

With more short bursts of power, the hole grew. As the dirt fell off her body, Selina was able to wiggle herself around. She extended a hand out to the surface, though she expected no one to be there to yank her out from the ground. Tapping into her power, she forced herself up.

She inhaled the fresh air, not recalling the last time she had something pure fill her lungs. She shook herself like a wet dog, tossing as much dirt as she could off of herself. Giving her powers a rest, with trembling arms, she crawled out of her grave.

Selina did not surface in a graveyard, full of tombstones and dedications to the lost loved ones. Rather, she emerged from an unmarked grave. She spat at it.

At least I have my body back. And despite all the dirt she was caked in, and with all the bugs she felt crawling all over her skin, she bore no damage. No cuts, no gashes, no leftover dried blood.

Gasping, Selina's head burst in pain. She glanced at the road, and the memory of her death tried to peek through. This was the last place she had been seen alive. Whoever had killed her didn't want to go through all the trouble of removing her body from the hit and run scene. They had just buried her nearby, because who would think to stop when travelling to notice a patch of unearthed ground hiding a dead girl's corpse?

Selina flared in anger. That bastard is gonna pay. Though...the trouble was, she barely remembered the vehicle that had hit her. She never got to see her killer's face, because the impact of the vehicle had instantly killed her.

Her dazed thoughts tried to refocus. Okay, okay. I'm back. I don't know where the hell I am. I have no way to get to Dean Winchester. Why can't we demons come in with built in GPS? Staggering, Selina gravitated towards the road. The sky had overcast, but it looked as though the sun was due to peek out at any given time.

Sighing, Selina decided to lay in the middle of the road, patiently waiting. Someone should stop when they see me.

Almost as if her thoughts were heard, a car sped down the way, in the lane she laid herself in. It came to a rolling, calm halt, which made Selina pick her head up. The person exited the vehicle, though they weren't human; Selina could see her true, demonic face.

"If this is how you expect to meet Dean Winchester, you're doing a horrible job," the female demon sassed. She dressed in business casual, and her orange hair was pulled back into a frizzy ponytail.

"I was hoping to catch a ride," Selina said bluntly. "I wanted to scare the shit out of the poor human who stops for me."

"Yeah, well, sorry to crush that. Get up. You look like shit."

"Considering I had to dig myself out—" Selina's retort stopped, and a question came to mind. "You here to take me to Dean Winchester?"

"Yes, since you're a ways away from him."

So, the King did not send a map for Selina, but rather, a fellow demon escort. Reluctantly, Selina pulled herself off the pavement, getting into the passenger side of the car. The orange-haired demon put the vehicle back into gear, and the two set off.

"Are you on assignment too?" Selina asked.

"In a sense, yes. I'm not your partner, I'll be your contact when you have to report your status for the King."

"There's got to be better ways than having a watchdog sent after me."

The orange-haired demon scowled. "This is a serious task you've been given, Selina. You don't understand what the King has asked of you."

"I'm not sure why he has. I've been punished for so long. Why doesn't he get one of you lackeys to do it?"

"We're needed for more important matters that actually requires us to remain in Hell."

"So I'm an expendable piece is what you're implying."

The orange-haired demon hesitated, her green eyes focused on the road. "Not at all."

"Then why was I chosen? What, did he do a raffle since none of you decided to volunteer?"

"If you're unhappy with what you've been tasked with, I can easily bring you back to your comfy, cozy cell."

"I'm just...confused by this," Selina said. She refused to be dragged back downstairs after she just got herself out of her grave.

"Once you get started on your assignment, that'll go away."

"Since you're going to be my contact, can I get your name at least?"

"Lissa. You won't need to call for me, I'll come to you for reports."

Selina sat back in her seat. Great, she had a babysitter. She couldn't use a freaking phone to report in? She had to have a damn handler? Do they think I'm unpredictable? Do they think I'll disobey this order and scrap the assignment? That's asking for trouble. That takes away my freedom, even if it really isn't freedom.

"If I do well with this assignment?" Selina asked after some time.

"We'll discuss that if it comes to that point."

"You sound like you don't have much faith in me."

Lissa's grip tightened on the steering wheel. "As I've said, this is a very serious assignment. The King doesn't want to throw demon after demon to tail Dean Winchester if he doesn't have to. It'd be like throwing meat to a wolf."

"I'm the meat in this scenario, clearly."

"If you don't get too close to him, you won't be. Observe from a safe distance. If by some chance he does go sniffing around you, you improvise."

"Sorry, I didn't take improv in Hell."

Lissa sighed. Selina exhaled through her nose loudly. She was barely twenty-four hours into this assignment of hers, and she already disliked it.

**If you thought Selina was gonna meet Dean by this chapter, ha ha, no. Instead, we meet Lissa! 

Fun fact: Lissa was not originally part of the story, but Selina needed a push in the right direction to start her assignment. Lissa is the push.**

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