08 - Killing Sprees Make Demons Horny

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08 – Killing Sprees Make Demons Horny

Though demons didn't sleep, the time seemed to blur for Selina.

She and Dean went from the aftermath of the bar slaughtering, to making out in one of the restrooms. He hadn't forced her; she had complied willingly. Just something about seeing him after a killing spree...it made her horny.

"What about your policy of no demon partners?" Selina rasped. For a demon, Dean's touch was rather soft. Does he think he'll break me if he goes rougher?

"You complaining?"

"Not at all. But, we're kind of making out in a crime scene. Risky." Selina bit down on her lip. "I fucking love it."

Once the two heard police sirens closing in, they left the bar. Selina's head was still dizzy. They found the car, and it took all of her restraint to not tell Dean to pull over somewhere so they could continue their heated session.

Dean drove like a speed demon (pun not intended) to the nearest motel. Though he was covered in blood, Selina didn't give two shits about his appearance. The taste of him left her wanting more.

Her assignment just got a lot more complicated.

The second their motel room door was closed, the two blew off more steam. Clothes were discarded within minutes. The bed was their first destination. Needless to say demon sex was on a whole other level.

Selina was gasping for breath when the two laid in bed, under the covers. Her body shook from adrenaline and was soaked in sweat. Dean panted beside her, with that coy smirk on his face. Sex on a stick, she crooned to herself. I see no downside to this.

"You know, I wouldn't be opposed to this being a thing," Selina panted. "Murder spree, sex, and repeat."

"Don't think there're strings attached," Dean told her firmly.

"Oh, I don't." Selina moved her damp, blonde strands off her face. She really craved a shower. Maybe I can get him to join in. I doubt he'd be opposed. "Where to next? And don't leave me out of the spree this time!"

Dean chuckled. Selina wasn't sure where to look: his eyes, his hair, or his body. "We go wherever our instincts take us."

"Sounds like a plan." Without using the covers, Selina climbed out of bed. She heard Dean hum in awe. She looked over her shoulder, giving him a sly wink. That immediately got him out from under the covers, following her right into the bathroom.

"Usually I find shower sex complicated and a bit unappealing," Dean said in disclaimer as Selina turned on the water. "But, screw it."

"Ah-ah, I believe you mean screw me."

Dean was right; shower sex was complicated. The two adapted to what they could and couldn't do. The two demons enjoyed every minute of it. Between the water, and having Dean pay attention to her, it made Selina hum in content. He kept her against the shower wall, taking great care so as to not have either of them injure themselves.

"What do you say we work our way up?" Selina panted.

"What do you mean?"

"We leave a body trail. Your brother wants to find you. When we get him where we want him, we can kill him." Selina smiled, but then it quickly disappeared. "Unless that's not what you want?"

"I ain't going back," said Dean adamantly. "He can shove that cure up his ass."

"Or, you or I can do that when we see him. I want to meet him, your brother. He seems like a challenge." Just like you are. Just like this assignment is.

Selina kept her slight panic in check. She was fucking her assignment. That certainly wouldn't bode well in the reports. Well, then we'll leave that tidbit out. Nobody needs to know, except for me, that I'm fucking Dean Winchester and loving every minute of it.

"Between you and me, he won't stand a chance."

The two stayed in the shower until the water ran ice-cold. Dean got out first, wrapping a towel around his waist. Selina wrapped one around her body letting her hair air-dry in the bathroom. Dean still had that lustful look in his eyes, as though a round three was on the horizon.

And who was to say it'd stop at three?

"If you really wanna work your way up..." Dean prompted randomly, catching Selina off guard. "You should go even bigger. My brother, I can handle him on my own. And, this ain't a permanent arrangement. You're gonna be out on your own at some point. When you're at that point, I say you take the fight to them."

This made Selina's heartrate jump. He can't be implying..."Meaning?"

"Meaning you take the fight to Hell. You work your way through their ranks until you land at the head honcho himself."

Selina blinked at Dean. That's practically treason, or mutiny. Let's settle for betrayal! "That's...that's..."


"A-a death wish."

Dean's brows furrowed. "What? You mean to tell me that you wouldn't put that on your Bucket List?"

"Dude, I just got out of Hell." She readjusted the towel around her body. "I'd like to dabble here for a bit, thanks."

"Who's to say that you can't?" Dean approached her, nudging her back against a wall. "You can kill any humans you want. You leave no trace." He hooked a finger in her towel. "You make it a nationwide epidemic. You make your own calling card, if you wish." The towel dropped to the floor. "When the time is right, they'll start hunting you. But by then, you'll be better. You'll outsmart the sons of bitches." Dean pressed himself against her, and she could feel his boner against her thigh.


"Shh, I'm not finished yet." He traced her lips with his thumb. She was tempted to suck on it. "Hunters, demons, you name it, you can kill them. You can rip them apart, do with them what you please." Dean's towel now fell to the floor. Selina automatically spread her legs a little further apart to allow him easier entrance.


"Shh." For emphasis, Dean encased her mouth in a hot kiss, just as he shoved himself into her. On instinct, her legs went to his waist. Miraculously, he didn't drop out of her from her movement. "Just imagine it, Selina." He started to roll his hips rhythmically. "Imagine it: the screams. The blood. The pain. All of it, inflicted by your hands. Inflicting damage on anyone you set your mind to."

Selina was trying to imagine it, but with Dean inside of her, it was proving difficult. She was more focused on feeling him and being attuned to his movements than imagining what destruction she could bring about with her newfound confidence.

"Just imagine it, Selina."

Hearing her name out of his mouth in that husky tone...oh it sent shivers down her spine! She only felt lust for the demon hunter, just as he felt lust for her.

Dean stopped painting his picture of her; he resumed kissing her hotly on the mouth. His hips continued their rhythm, and Selina's hands roamed his soaked head, his neck, down to his back. As her fingers skimmed some areas, she tested to see which made Dean thrust into her harder.

Enjoy this while you can, you won't have his ass all the time. 

**Well, I guess mutual murder sprees makes demons horny...

The last part of the chapter though kinda...yeah...it was a little light smut.**

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