03 - Dean Winchester: Hunter...Demon?

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03 – Dean Winchester: Hunter...Demon?

Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester.

Well, the King's information was certainly on-point. I wasn't expecting to meet him so soon. I was supposed to just tail him.

Selina's mind was turning fast. She tried to not show Dean Winchester that she really knew who he was. That he killed things like her and...him?

Why was Dean Winchester, a demon, a hunter who killed supernatural creatures? That seemed to be the current riddle that was baffling her mind. Why did the King worry about him?

"And you're still not running. You must be new to this whole gig."

Selina blinked, trying to get the cogs in her mind running again. "Yeah, you could say that."

"You just passing through?"


"You're definitely not the normal demon."

"Oh, and what do normal demons do?"

Dean's green eyes flashed black, and a coy smirk crept onto his face. "I'll show you."

Selina hadn't realized Dean was armed with a weapon until he left the bar and stabbed the nearest customer through the neck with a small knife. Blood spewed out, and some lady started to screech out in terror. Selina sat on her bar stool, mollified, as she watched Dean Winchester start slaughtering humans as though they were cattle.

Those who could flee, fled. Those who were brave enough to try and restrain Dean only got themselves killed or severely injured. Most of the brave souls were men, a few surprisingly brave women. Selina's eyes focused on his movements, how aggressive they were, how powerful...

And he used none of his demonic abilities to kill. He used his strength, and his weapon. It intrigued her. Now I understand why the king wants me to keep an eye on him. I shouldn't be so close to the splash zone.

As Dean launched a burly biker onto a table, spilling its contents everywhere, he looked back over at Selina.

"Are you gonna just watch or are you gonna jump in?" he barked at her. His sharp tone made her flinch.

Selina slid off her barstool, food long forgotten about. One by one, more bodies fell. More blood spilled. A part of her head erupted into pain. The god awful smell of blood was bringing her back to her cell. It disoriented the female demon to the point of having her support herself against the bar.

How was he not incapacitated from the sight and smells? Surely he had spent some quality time downstairs like the rest of the demons did. How did this not affect him?

Once the last body was thrown to the ground, and the last survivor out of the bar's door, Dean turned to Selina. The murderous look in his eyes was still there, as were the black beauties. His chest heaved from exertion, and hearing his heavy panting was arousing Selina slightly. Don't you dare be attracted to him. He's your assignment. Watch him! Don't let him kill you, either.

"Cops are gonna get here soon, so you can either haul ass, or you can take the blame. Your choice."

Selina made her choice immediately: she followed Dean out of the bar.

He didn't say a word to her as she followed him. He left blood drops in his wake, to which she tried to not step on. If anyone saw him and connected the dots, he would easily be sought after by the police. And his attitude suggested he didn't give two shits if that ever happened.

Selina followed Dean to a sketchy motel. He didn't bother to use a key, he busted through the door. Selina followed him inside. The room looked completely trashed; takeout food boxes galore, unkempt bed. Selina didn't even want to begin on the odor, and the bugs the take out boxes attracted. It gave her a reminder that she still hadn't cleaned herself off.

"Nice place," Selina commented sourly, trying to shut the door behind her. The curtains were on the windows, allowing the two demons some privacy.

"I didn't say for you to haul ass behind me," Dean snarled. "I don't do team-ups. If you want something, don't bother asking." He headed into the bathroom, slamming the door.

Well, I was gonna ask to use the shower, but I guess that's not in my future. Selina pinched the bridge of her nose. What was she doing, being this close to Dean Winchester? He could easily kill her. With the right weapon, of course, thought Selina. Normal cutlery wouldn't harm someone like her. It would cut skin, sure, and maybe make her bleed. But it wouldn't deliver a fatal blow if it really came down to it.

When Dean exited the bathroom, his nostrils flared. His eyes reverted back to green.

"You waiting on me for something?" he asked her. "'Cause if so, I got nothing for ya."

"What the hell was that back there?" Selina demanded. I should've asked about the shower. Stupid brain.

"Um, that's called being a demon, sweet cheeks. What Intro to Murder class did you skip out on downstairs?"

Selina's mouth dropped. "Excuse me?"

"You do realize we kill people, right?" His eyes narrowed. "You look at me like I'm the friggin' monster here."

"You had no incentive to turn that bar into a slaughterhouse!"

"Actually, I did. My incentive was that it was fun."

Selina looked mortified.

Dean snorted derisively. "Well, since you're so protective over humans, I guess it's only fair you should join them in death."

"You don't have the right tool, asshole."

"Oh, you think that I don't? There's a lot about me that you don't know, and you'll never get to know." Dean stalked closer to Selina. Her first instinct told her to run. He posed a huge threat. But aside from a weapon that's made for slaughtering demons, how else can he kill me? "I'll give ya a five second head start before I hunt you down."

Instead of fleeing, Selina put her feet firmly on the ground.

"All right then." Without hesitation, Dean grabbed Selina by the collar of her shirt. Moving, he sent them both through the closed door. The door broke apart, and the two were sent wrestling in the motel parking lot. Dean didn't throw many punches, he mainly kicked Selina when she was down. He yanked on her hair, painfully, to the point she swore he ripped out blonde strands.

"You're not even gonna fight back?" Dean spat at her form on the ground. Selina's body ached all over. "Instead of toughening you up down there, they made you a friggin' marshmallow. You must still be clinging onto your human side. Kiddo, if you're gonna have any luck at surviving in this world, you gotta have a brass set of balls."

"Oh, like yours?" Selina lashed out with her foot. Dean grabbed it just in time. He kept a crushing grip on it.

Selina called on her power. Throwing a hand out, she forced Dean off his feet, towards her hand which now became a fist. He lost his grip on her foot, and her fist connected with his cheek. She drew no blood from Dean. Instead, she'd drawn what seemed to be a chuckle from his mouth.

"Was that so difficult?" He rubbed his reddened skin. He rested back on his knees while Selina remained on the pavement of the parking lot. "I ain't about to teach you the ways of the Force, so, if I were you, I'd stay away from me before you become collateral."

Dean got off his knees, as Selina got to her feet. He stalked back into his open motel room, leaving her fuming. I have to keep an eye on this son of a bitch?

Agreeing with the ache in her body, Selina slunk away, keeping a healthy distance from Dean Winchester.

**The further I read this book the more I'm glad I made this fic.**

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