12 - "Come and Get 'Em, Dean!"

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12 – "Come and Get 'Em, Dean!"

The lights didn't return to the dungeon right away. A low siren was heard, loud to Selina's ears.

Selina struggled against her restraints. Even if I can get out, I'm still stuck in the trap. She began hopping in her chair, hoping to break it to pieces to give herself some freedom.

"Keep an eye on her," Cas ordered Sam.

"Oh, good, he'll get the hardest kill out of the way first," Selina yelled as the angel disappeared. She tilted her head back, humming. "It's only a matter of time before Dean finds us. He won't bat an eye when he kills you, Sam."

"He's not killing me, or Cas. We'll get him cured, and then—"

"You are not giving me that damn mythical cure!"

"It's not a myth, we've seen it in action."

Come on, Dean. Make quick work of the angel and come fetch me. Selina wasn't sure that demons could communicate telepathically. Not that she would be of much help for navigational purposes anyhow; she didn't know this place at all.

The two waited in tense silence. Selina was growing impatient. She wanted to be free, she wanted to escape. She wanted to celebrate her liberation with Dean in the only way the two really ever celebrated: a wild night in bed.

Selina saw Sam whip out a jagged dagger.

"That ain't gonna do much, not to Dean anyhow," Selina sneered.

"Oh, yeah it can. I just don't wanna have to use it on him."

He's bluffing. Or maybe Sam wasn't. He was a hunter after all. Surely he'd racked up demon kills in his career. He knew what killed things like Selina.

"You should've left us alone, Sammy!" came Dean's booming call.

Us. Holy shit, he just referred to us as a thing. While she felt no romantic feelings towards Dean Winchester, she did like the ring "us" had in her ears. Not a romantic couple, a power couple. That was perhaps the deadliest kind there could be.

I knew he wasn't gonna wait until they let me go...or killed me. He wants to take care of the problem now. And I'm gonna help him do it...once I'm out of this thing.

"Come and get 'em, Dean!" Selina crowed to her lover.

The doors to the dungeon were pulled back. The way was now bathed in red light from the hall. It only heightened the tension. Dean Winchester was covered in blood, splatters of it. It was hard to tell whose it was.

"We don't need to do this," Sam said to his brother.

Dean sighed. "We do."

Selina watched eagerly, tempted to cheer Dean on as he took on his brother. Though human, Sam was fast. Selina took great satisfaction in watching Dean pummel his brother. Come on, come on. We don't have to kill them, knocking Sam out can give me a way out!

The fight didn't end with Sam Winchester's death; just a brutal knock to the head to render him unconscious on the floor.

"Hey there," Selina purred to Dean. The way he towered over Sam's crumpled form, that heavy breathing...

Dean bent to grab Sam's knife and began to scratch at the trap. "Can't walk out unless the magic is broken." Once satisfied with his work, he helped Selina out of her restraints.

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