14 - "Here We Go."

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14 – "Here We go."

"I'd be a little more comfortable having a weapon," Selina commented to Dean.

They were on their way to their destination: Hell. The two had kept low for a while, mostly to make sure the plan was solid.

"Well, if the dynamic duo show up, steal Cas's," Dean told her.

"I can't believe we're actually gonna go through with this."

"You can't back out now, we're close."

Selina exhaled loudly. Out of the two, she was the lesser fighter. Dean could take out a whole hoard of demons if he really wanted to. It would be effortless for him, like slaughtering humans. This was more than killing for sport; this was killing with a purpose. Revenge, for Selina. Freedom, for Dean. Well, perhaps it was to secure Selina's freedom permanently as well.

Without the King, she would have no one to report to. She could roam about Earth as she pleased and do what she wanted. It'd be the sweetest reward.

Dean pulled off the road to ensure the stolen car wasn't seen.

"You ready for this?"

"Yeah," Selina breathed. "Are you?"

"If things go south, improvise. If it gets really bad, you got a split second to make the fight-or-flight decision."

"What are you gonna choose?" Selina raised a curious brow.

"You'll see if it comes to that."

The two climbed out of the car. Selina rounded the front of the car, pushing Dean against it, kissing him roughly. He responded back with equal lust.

The two found themselves in the back of the car, managing a good time in the confined space.

"What spurred this?" Dean rasped. The two were untangling themselves in the back seat.

"Just if things go really bad," said Selina, who was digging through the clothes to find hers. She tossed Dean his.

After dressing (and almost going for a second round), Selina and Dean finally exited the car. Dean took lead, as he knew the way to Hell's entrance.

The fact that it was in an abandoned warehouse creeped Selina out slightly. The two exchanged nods. As practiced, they called upon their power, forcing the door open. No sentry was in sight when they stepped in.

Instead of the temperature rising, Selina felt it actually cool, almost to the point where she could see her puffs of breath.

"Here we go," she muttered.

"Here we go," Dean agreed.

The two crept through the halls of Hell. They were nowhere near the dungeon area, as Selina knew they would have already heard the screams of the damned. So far, so good. Don't let your time here distract you.

When the two rounded a corner, that's when they ran into trouble. Before the guards could shout, Selina and Dean finished them off. Well, Dean did. Selina got in her few punches. Any unconscious guards she knocked out, he stabbed to make sure they didn't come back.

"You got a map?" Selina whispered. They were following the torches that lit up the halls.

"No, but, the more demons we run into, it means we're close."

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