05 - "I Got My Work Cut Out For Me."

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05 – "I Got My Work Cut Out For Me."

"You got something right—"

"Shut up."

"I can see it dangling—"

"I said shut up."

"It's wigging me out."

"Then if it bothers you so much, don't look." Selina dug for the piece of food stuck between her two front teeth. It felt like a decent-sized chunk, and she took satisfaction in the grossed-out look on Dean's face as he watched her. Once it was dislodged, she let it fall onto her tongue. "Can't believe a demon is grossed out by food between someone's teeth. You'd think I had a booger in there or something."

The stolen car the two had taken didn't have a full tank of gas. They found the nearest stop, which was located near another motel. The two booked a room together, with two separate beds. They then got some takeout.

Selina was still curious about that mark on Dean's arm. She didn't press or pry, but the nagging curiosity told her she had to know. Like if she didn't, she'd die.

"So, how are you supposed to help me learn to enjoy life's luxuries?" Selina mocked Dean. She sat cross-legged with her Chinese food in her lap on one bed. Dean was sprawled out with his food contents on the other. There was an old TV with rabbit ears which he'd tried for some crap entertainment, but the effort wasn't worth it.

"It's all gonna start by making you realize how a demon truly acts," said Dean through a bite of his food. Selina winced at how food bits sprayed as he talked. "Once you understand and embrace it, you'll see the bigger picture."

Selina swallowed another bite of food. Dean's green eyes watched her, which made her squirm a little bit. Pervert. Her eyes fell on his mussed hair, how the bad lighting made it somehow look sexier. Could you tone down the hormones? You're a demon, not a whore.

"Is this good hunting ground?" Selina looked towards the closed door. As with the last room Dean had been in, curtains were closed. Complete privacy, almost.

"Not if we want to keep using these places to squat. You don't want to go out while there's a motel killer on the loose. Use that brain of yours, bucktooth."

Selina huffed. She shot a piece of her food at Dean, to which he caught in his mouth. "I was hoping to hit you with it, not for you to catch it."

"I know." Dean winked. "We'll start you off small. But, I might just keep you under wraps from the public. Get you familiar with your instincts before I set you loose. Don't worry, I'll be there to help you along, at first. It'll be like riding a bike."

"I...I never learned how to. I did try, though."

It was Dean's turn to roll his eyes. "I got my work cut out for me."

"You sound like you're gonna be my manager or something. I'm not a friggin' celebrity."

Selina threw away her empty containers once she ate the last of its contents. As she threw the stuff away, she was pressed into the wall, with one arm behind her back.

"Hey!" Selina screeched. Dean had her trapped, her legs unable to move to lodge her free from him. Even worse, she felt a little turned on by how he had her pinned.

"Lesson one: always be on your guard."

Selina spun as Dean released her. He beckoned for her to make a move, and she did. Her move was sloppy, and he had her trapped within the minute.

"Lesson two: use your head."

Though she knew it wasn't supposed to be taken literally, Selina head-butted Dean. It nearly knocked her on her ass, Dean remained firm. He chuckled at the dazed look on her face. He let her go again, giving her a shove back towards the bathroom. Before he could get too close, Selina lashed out. She used some of her power to force Dean off his feet. He sailed in the air, and for once, she had him pinned.

She took careful steps, keeping her focus on Dean.

"Tell me about the mark," she demanded.

"You gonna dig through my head next?"

"If I have to. It might be painful, for you." Are demons able to search through minds? Selina had never had the pleasure to experiment with such a gift. She was lucky she was in tune with what powers she had currently.

"Might be excruciating for you." Dean tried to peel himself off the wall, but Selina held firm. "You're struggling right now, bucktooth."

With that little dig, Selina pressed Dean harder into the wall. "Tell me about the mark, and I'll let you go."

"Lesson three: don't bargain with the enemy, or your prey. It wastes both of your time."

"Don't make me repeat myself a third time, Dean Winchester." Selina flashed her demon eyes. "The mark. Tell me about it. Show me it. If we're to work together, I need to know what I'm working with."

"Who you're working with," he corrected her. "You—you gotta let me down so I can show you."

"That's if you show me."

"I will. Set me down, Selina."

At the shock of hearing her name out of his mouth, Selina dropped Dean. He made a superhero, graceful landing on the ugly carpet flooring of the room. Selina eyed him impatiently. Dean rolled up the right sleeve of his shirt. The mark was evident, and strange.

"Is it a curse?" she asked curiously.

"Depends on your definition of 'curse'."

"What does it do?"

"Makes me larger," Dean deadpanned.

Selina rolled her eyes. "The more you talk about your penis, it makes me think you're overcompensating."

"I'm trying to explain this to you. You keep pissing me off, I'll—"

"You'll kill me, I get it. Come up with some new lines if you want to strike the fear of God into me."

"Oh, I'll make you wish you had the fear of God in you."

"What does it do?" Selina asked again, mildly annoyed.

"Makes me wanna kill."

"I thought being a demon implied that already?"

"It magnifies the need. The more time I go without shedding blood, the...the worse I get. Though, really, that's not such a bad thing."

Some might see that differently. "So it's a curse."

"Like I said, depends on your definition. For the full effect, I'd show you the First Blade." Dean frowned. "That I don't have. That is something that can kill you."

"But the mark alone can't?"

"No." Dean shook his head. "Enough about the history. That's not why we're here."

"Right, we're here so you can beat me up," Selina joked.

Dean wasn't amused. 

**Whether you ship them otp or brotp, once thing is for certain: there is chemistry.**

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