The Five Rules (1)

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Hi peeps. It's west:)

This is probably going to end up around 10 chapters, but I may need to split some in half due to potential length...we'll see!

I'm gonna try and update every week, but because I'm obsessed with it right now the updates will probably be more frequent than that.

If you somehow decide to read this, please comment, vote, follow...cuz it's nice.

And I've already said, but I will delete all inappropriate comments and any that swear. Just warning y'all.

I know I'm not a super amazing writer, and that's why I'd like all the help I can get from any readers, so please point something out that doesn't make sense/grammar/etc...

Word count w/o author's notes is 2,241 words.

Please enjoy!


Link was driving up the mountain, happily looking frantically from one side of the road to the other. The old paths were surrounded by high-standing pine trees, covered with newly fallen snow. This road was all-too familiar for Link, he had been on it many times before. But this was his first time driving up alone.

Well he wasn't really alone. Link reached over and scratched his dog behind the ears that was sitting in the passenger seat. Twilight was Link's Siberian husky, they had been together for as long as Link could remember.

When Link thought about driving up the road alone, he was thinking about how this was his first time going on this trip without his grandfather. For the past eight years, his grandfather had taken him up this very mountain for a special ice fishing trip. They would stay in the cabin at night, and go fishing all day in various lakes.

But this time, his grandfather wouldn't be accompanying him. He had died of cancer only months ago, and the hit to his heart still hurt. For that reason, Link only wanted to continue the tradition this year as well.


"Are you sure you want to go up there alone?" Link's grandmother asked.

"I won't be alone grandma, I'll have Twilight with me," Link responded as he tackled his dog to the floor.

" could have a fine Christmas here in my home," she said, "it doesn't have to be up there."

Link sighed and got up off the floor. He walked over to his grandmother and held her hands in his own. "But it does. I need to go back up there, at least one more time. For the memories. It doesn't matter that you had to sell it."

"I'm sorry Link," Link's grandma said sounding sincere, "I had to sell the old cabin. After what happened with your grandfather I couldn't make do with what we had."

"You've already explained it to me and it's fine," Link said smiling warmly, "I completely understand. I'm sure the new owners are taking good care of it. I'm lucky they decided to rent part of it out for the winter."

"Yes it's in good hands," she said thoughtfully, "some rich family bought it I think. They'll know just what to do with it."

"Of course they will, I called the owner today and he said he's going to have his daughter live there during the break too, she'll be handling me."

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now