Skating with Link (11)

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Hi peeps! It's me West!

Super sorry, yesterday would have been a week from when I last posted, but yesterday was a holiday so...I took the day off ;)

Behold: the second to last chapter of Snow and Fishing. It has been quite a journey my friends. Thank you for all the support you have given me. I think I will make a sequel eventually. I've got other stories I want to write both for Zelink and some stuff on my original work account :)

But HOLY COW. This story has almost reached 600 reads! That's far better than I ever anticipated honestly in this amount of time, so muchas gracias!

If you feel like it, commenting, criticizing(constructively), critiquing, voting and following is nice! Thanks to all who have already done so!

Anybody been watching the World Cup???? That's all I've been watching for the past couple weeks and it makes me really happy:) Brazil plays tomorrow yayyyyy!

Alright, also obviously I don't own tloz because those rights belong to Nintendo. The plot and story is my creation though so please don't post anything I write anywhere else.

Also this chapter is dedicated to because they've been doing some commenting that makes me super HAPPY! ¡Muchas muchas gracias!

The word count is 2058 words without the author's notes.

Please enjoy! (sorry for the super long author's notes I'm sorry)


Zelda rolled over on her bed for what seemed like the twentieth time. It was much to early to get up. How Zelda would like to just sleep in for an entire day, not needing to worry about anything at all. Hang on a minute...

"I'M GOING ICE SKATING WITH LINK TODAY!" Zelda yelled shooting upright in her bed with a big grin on her face, then quickly covered her mouth. Zelda looked above her where Link was probably sleeping, had she been loud enough for Link to hear her?

I hope he isn't making me breakfast, Zelda thought as she got out of bed, I want to make it for him this morning!

She showered and dressed quickly and she ran out of her room. Please don't be awake yet, please don't be awake yet... she rounded the corner and there was the kitchen. Completely empty.

Yes! Zelda screamed in her head, I can make him breakfast! Content that Link was asleep Zelda began working on a breakfast for both of them.

It was only after she had mixed the cut up peppers with the scrambled eggs that she remembered that Link had kissed her on the cheek last night.

She dropped the other empty pan she was holding in shock of the memory and it clanged to the floor. Zelda scrambled to grab the pan and she listened for a moment.

She couldn't hear Link. Hopefully the noise hadn't woken him up. Zelda gave a happy sigh as she thought about the kiss again.

It had been quick, after all it was only a kiss on the cheek. And that also meant that he had most definitely missed.

She would have preferred a kiss on the lips.

Though, the action was still sweet, and it had caused Zelda to freeze in surprise as Link had quickly made his way away from her and upstairs.

Had Link been...embarrassed? Was that why he had left without another word?

And what is it supposed to mean? Zelda thought, was it a sign? What if it's a way of showing that he wants to be more than friends? Or was it just friendly?

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now