Chocolate Love (10)

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Hi peeps! It's another early update!

You're welcome:) I've been super into this story lately that I haven't stopped writing! Talking of updates, there will probably only be two more chapters.

It wasn't until a little while ago that I realized that this book was going to be pretty short, soooooo I'm sorry?

Also at first I wasn't planning on making a sequel because there is a ton of other stuff I wanted to write...BUT FINE DANG IT!

After writing all of this I realized that it would be fun to write a sequel. It's probably going to come eventually. Probably sooner then I think.

Soooooooo please if you feel like it, I would appreciate any votes, reads, follows, comments, criticisms, critiques and any other type of feedback that may or may not start with c's;)

Thank you for all the support I've been getting! This one is dedicated to my cousin who's name shall not be disclosed. He doesn't have an account sooooo yeah but he read it and told me he liked it. Thanks!

The word count for this one is 2164 words which of course is excluding author's notes. (Sorry these things are so long:(

Please enjoy!


"Don't be afraid of him," Link said confidently as he restrained Twilight, "just jump and tackle him!"

"But..." he could see Zelda a little ways off looking worried as she fiddled with her gloves, "he' strong!"

"That's why you jump on him," Link said as he let go of Twilight and he went running at Zelda, "here he comes..."

Link and Zelda were outside near the cabin playing with Twilight in the snow. Link was trying to teach Zelda how to tackle his dog as he tried to run past her.

"Okay I-oof!" she had tried to jump onto Twilight to grab hold of him, but once she had then had slipped from under her and she fell into the snow.

Both of them laughed as Twilight came around again this time running at Link.

"Watch Zelda!" Link called as he prepared himself. Nothing impresses a girl more than tackling a dog...right?

Link dove at Twilight speedily as he came near him. Twilight responded quickly and ran just out of Link's dive, oh shoot...

Link had dove right into a huge pile of snow. Not soon after his head was stuck in the snow he felt more fall over the rest of his body.

Great, Link thought as he laughed to himself, why did I tell her to watch me?

He then felt somebody pulling at his shoe and Link tried to pull himself out of the snow. After a lot of pushing Link fell out of the snow hill and he and Zelda were covered with even more snow.

"I saved you!" Zelda teased as she brushed snow off of herself.

"Yeah right," Link grinned as he stood up, helping Zelda to her feet as well. He saw Twilight making for them again quickly.


Link suddenly scooped up Zelda onto his shoulder and started running, as if he were a fireman carrying a person out of a burning building.

"Link what are you doing?" Zelda laughed hitting him on the arm.

"Quickly Princess! There is a great calamity pursuing us!" Link said as he continued to run from Twilight.

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now