Don't Forget to Hold the Line Steady (8)

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Hi peeps! It's me West!

Yippee this upload is on time. I'm trying to update weekly so if I remember right, the last time I updated was Wednesday...? So yayyyyyyyyy

So if you're nice then maybe y'all want to maybe comment, follow, vote, critique, criticize, etc...becasue remember? I want to become a better writer!

This one is a little slow, most of it is just Link's thoughts, it might have been a bit much. I'm not super proud of the structure/grammar/storyline/ect of this chapter it's a little jumbled so I'm sorry.

I'm just gonna go ahead and dedicate this chapter to Piece_of_Personality (I hope you I did this right idk) becasue she wrote me a really nice comment and made me really happy and motivated to finish this chapter! Muchas gracias!

And here it goes. Yes, I do not own the Legend of Zelda characters that are mentioned in this story, those belong to Nintendo. Lucky them. The plot does belong to me so please do not post my work anywhere else. 

The word count for this story is 2240 words without author's notes.

Thank you for reading! Please Enjoy!


Link woke up on the bed laying on his side. He stared at the wall as he thought, his eyebrows furrowed.

Did I just...go on a date with Zelda?

Well, it had never really been classified as a date. Rather it was a...what other word could he use to describe it besides date?

Link sighed, thinking about why she would have done such a thing. Did cabin hosts usually take their guests out to eat? Or even stranger: take them on top of a snowy hill outside and have a picnic in the middle of winter?

What was Zelda up to? Link had slightly considered the possibility for a moment that she liked him. He had shot down the likelihood of that rather quickly. Zelda was probably a popular girl at her high school who had a lot of friends and she probably had an eye out for somebody there.

On the other hand, Link was on the other side of the boat. Link didn't participate in any sort of sports, and he most definitely wasn't popular. He was in several nerdy after-school clubs that involved chemistry and math.

And to add onto his social status of "being out of place" he loved to fish. Nobody normal liked to fish. Zelda was normal. She thought fishing was something outlandish. Of course she didn't like him.

But did he like her?

Link rolled over so that he was facing the ceiling. It was something that he had been thinking about for a while now; ever since she had saved him from the river.

It would be odd, even for him, to start liking a person so suddenly. But she had saved his life. He owed her a lot. How could he make it up to her? What would she want?

Rent...Link laughed out loud. Yes she wanted money out of him. Maybe she had saved his life because she wouldn't get any money out of him and then she would be responsible for the dog.

Link shook his head. He had already thought about this yesterday morning; any person with a good heart would drag a person in need out of a lake. But the way she had said his name when had been laying on the ground...she had been so worried for him.

Link sighed and got out of bed. As usual, he was overthinking every single little detail about Zelda. He just had to try and put her out of his head for a moment, go buy a new auger and go on his way to fishing.

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now