Snow Picnic (7)

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Hi peeps!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's been over a week I know...first I was at EFY and then I got E3...YOU CAN'T BLAME ME FOR THAT.

Seriously though, I got super excited when I saw that Daisy was going to be a new character in smash. I LITERALLY STARTED THRASHING AROUND.

Also, I'm really glad they had Zelda be from A Link Between Worlds in smash because she looks great! Because she wouldn't really be able to do anything if it was the one from botw...because she's a scholar ya know?...what could she do? Throw books at people?

...but we have to wait till December 7th??? NOOOOOOOOOO

Also I was really hoping for a Luigi's Mansion 3...but I guess not? And there was also no update for Metriod Prime 4...oh well I guess we'll have to see.

So anyways I finally decided to work on this chapter and get it out. So sorry sorry it took so long.

So por favor, I would appreciate any follows, votes, comments, critiques, criticisms and all that sort of stuff. What was your favorite announcement from Nintendo E3 so far??

Zelda: Link, West is taking way to long to get to the story again...

Link: Oh good grief not again!

Me: I'm sorry! I just really like author's notes!

Zelda: Well readers don't like them as much as you do. You should appeal to them by NOT TAKING SO LONG TO GET TO THE STORY THEY ARE TRYING TO READ!

Link: Uh oh, you made Zelda mad...

Me: *sweating nervously* uh-okay! Go ahead and do the disclaimers!

Link: Would you like to do the honors Zelda?

Zelda: Of course! Link-Knight-177 does not own The Legend of Zelda or any of its characters. He does, however, own the plot, so please don't post his work his work anywhere else.

Me: Thanks Zelda! And the word count for this story is 2352 words without the author's note.

Holy cow this was a long A/n I'm sorry! But please enjoy!


Link woke up and stared at the ceiling. He hadn't bothered to set his alarm last night. There he stayed in his bed as he tried to remember what had happened the night before.

That's right. Zelda had saved his life, then watched cheesy chick-flick and eaten ice cream. She had saved his life. She had saved his life.

But why? Of course, any person with a good heart would trudge into a freezing lake and drag out a person who desperately needed help.

But why had she suggested a movie after that? Why had she gone out of her way to tend to the cuts he had received from the ice? She could have easily proclaimed that it was his problem and so he would have to deal with it.

She definitely changed. Weather it was the note he gave her or if the scary incident did something, Zelda had seemed like a different person yesterday.

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now