The Stepping Stool (2)

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Hi peeps!

Yeah I decided to upload a lot sooner than I expected, not like anyone cares right?

Don't be shy and tell me how I can improve on my writing, plot, grammar, etc...I WANT ALL THOSE CRITICISMS

Please comment, share, read, enjoy and vote if you feel like it. I'd appreciate it a lot:)

Word count excluding a/n: 2238



Link woke up suddenly, remembering that he had forgotten to set his alarm. He looked at his clock beside his bed. Yes he had woken up late all right, he should have gotten up earlier. After all, it's what fisherman do.

He showered quickly, hurriedly got dressed, grabbed his car keys and exited his room. Even though he was in a hurry, Link debated weather to open the door to the secondary guest bedroom or not. That was the door that had creaked.

It was the thing he was going to miss the most about the cabin. Deciding that he didn't want the terrible realization to come yet, Link went down the stairs.

He grabbed a couple eggs and scrambled them on the stove. Typical morning breakfast. Zelda came into the kitchen with a yawn still wearing her pajamas. She didn't bother to acknowledge him.

Apparently she had the same craving in the morning for eggs because she had began to scramble some in a pan as well. Link had finished cooking and hastily served himself on a plate he had previously set out on the dining room table.

He dropped the pan in the sink loudly, causing Zelda to flinch. He walked back over to the table and began to eat. Link had always been surprised at how well he could cook for himself. His grandmother had taught him how to cook, only his food was just incomparable to hers.

Once Zelda had joined him (on the other side of the table) Link had already finished. He got up and walked out of the dining room.

"You forgot to put your plate away!" Zelda called loudly after him, "I'm not your mom." Link sighed, grabbed his dishes, and rinsed them off in the sink.

Link didn't feel like coming up with something witty to say back and so he left the cabin. After throwing his cooler that contained his lunch, Link untied Twilight, who was happily waiting for him.

"I'm sorry I had to tie you up," Link said as he let him jump back into the car, "it wasn't my choice. I'll sneak you up into my room sometime when she's busy and we can go out on the deck."

Outside of Link's room was a high deck. Link and his grandfather had spent many hours sitting out there and admiring the snow and trees, looking down the hill. Link planned on spending a good amount of time there.

Link put his car into gear and drove away from the cabin and farther up the mountain. He grabbed the old maps from his glove box and started following the trail up to Toto lake.

Over the years, Link and his grandfather had kept track of all the lakes they had visited on the mountain, Link remembered that this one had great success the year before. Link was going to try and visit all the lakes he had ever previously been to.

Soon they arrived at the lake, and link hurriedly grabbed his things from the car and walked cautiously on the ice, Twilight following him. Using his ice auger, Link began to drill into the ice.

A/n: an ice auger is basically a drill that helps you make a hole to go ice fishing.

After a minute or so he found the water under the ice. Next Link grabbed his ice chisel and hacked around the small hole, trying to enlarge it the best he could. Finally Link used his skimmer to fish out all of the floating ice and his hole was ready.

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now