Something Happy (5)

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Hi peeps!

So thanks to Princess-Zellie, because she let me know that the art I was using for this story's owner doesn't want people reposting it or something...I RESPECT THAT AND IM SORRY.

So I tried to replace it. My phone is being weird and wont update it or something but I TRIED AND WILL CONTINUE TRYING.

Okay. With that out of the way welcome to another chapter of Snow and Fishing. This is a good one. But I can't wait for next chapter:)

Muchas Gracias por GlamAngel3766 for voting on every chapter I've posted! I appreciate it. Thank you! I'll dedicate this chapter to you huh?

This story is going super well, thanks for the reads, I plan on finishing it.

Soooooo please comment, follow vote, and criticize because I want to become a better author and I need help!

Total word count without author's notes is 2153 words.

Thank you and please enjoy!


Link woke up angry. Though for a few moments he couldn't remember why. Suddenly, as though a train hit him, Link growled.

That little sneak! It only makes sense! She snuck into my room while I was gone that day and looked in my journal! That's how she knew I had cut up more wood and known where it was!

Link quickly got out of bed, he was going to confront Zelda and tell her off for what she did. Hosts were not supposed to invade their guest's privacy.

Showering quickly and changing into his clothes for the day, Link went downstairs to make his breakfast and wait for Zelda. Once he got down there, he heard Zelda getting up to so he sat against the counter, folded his arms and waited for her to come into the kitchen.

She walked in in her pajamas and yawned. She spotted him and didn't look concerned in the slightest, "um...what's going on?"

Link stared at her crossly, "You looked in my journal."

"So? What if I did?"

"So you can enter my room but I can't enter yours? What's up with that?"

"I'm a girl," she smiled smugly.

"Therefore you can invade my privacy," Link stated.

"I make the rules."

"I can write a bad review," Link said.

"I can evict you." 

"So what? I'm tired of hanging around when you're here anyways,  it would be a favor. I'd be happy to tell the online world that you resort to threaten your guests with eviction whenever they step a toe out of line."

She just looked at him, Link had spent all night coming up with the ways he would respond to her. She didn't answer him, she just stared silently at the floor.

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now