Mistletoe and Creaks (12)

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Hi peeps! It's West!;)

I am very sad to announce that this is the last chapter of Snow and Fishing. A little while ago I thought I was tired of it, but now that I've finished it I'm sad how it's over.

I kinda wanna cry? Idk...

But here it is! It was hard to wait for this ending...it's so good! At least that's my opinion, how about you share yours?:) I haven't proof read this one so there are most likely some mistakes in grammar and spelling sorry.

A sequel will eventually come...I will make it happen someday just wait and watch for it.

Definitely more Zelink fanfics coming around, maybe some other stuff...and I'm also planning to write some original work soon on my original work account at Link-West-177!

Thank you for all of the support Wattpad has been really fun so far, it's a great community!

This chapter is dedicated to SecretlyAHylian because they've been voting a bit on this story and votes make me happy! ¡Muchas gracias! Also his/her stuff is freaking amazing so you should go read it!

I do not own the Legend of Zelda characters but I do own the plot and story, so please I would appreciate it if you didn't post my work anywhere else.

The total word count for this chapter excluding author's notes is 2283 words.

Sorry again for the long author's note...please enjoy!


On the drive home from ice skating Zelda grew tired from all of the skating that they had done and fell asleep in the passenger seat. Link looked over at her about to ask her something and saw her silently sleeping.

He laughed to himself, "ice skating is really something. Especially when it's with you."

He knew she couldn't hear him, but he said it anyways. He smiled as he turned his attention back to the road and avoided a couple scampering squirrels. I'll make sure to not run over any animals...

After lots of curvy roads that would have made Link carsick if he were in the backseat, he had found his way back to the cabin. He considered waking Zelda up so she could walk in herself but he decided that she should sleep.

He carried in the ice skates first and then he picked Zelda up from the seat and shut the car door; surprised how she did not wake up to his touch. Locking the car he carefully tiptoed up through the cabin and into Zelda's room.

He laid her down on her bed and pulled the covers over her. She was still sleeping soundly, as if she had been sleeping all night. Link smiled at the pretty sight before leaving her room and getting to bed.

In the morning Link heard a loud noise that seemed to come from the kitchen downstairs. He showered and went downstairs.

"Good morning Link!" Zelda greeted warmly as Link entered the kitchen, "I hope I didn't wake you up?"

"Nah," Link said admiring the food Zelda had prepared, "wow you want to treat me again?"

"Sure!" Zelda said happily, "I thought you would like waffles and croissants today!"

"It looks good," Link said pulling out a chair for Zelda. Zelda took her seat and Link sat on the other side of the table facing her.

"Before we eat Link," Zelda said fidgeting a little, "I have a question."

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now