Skiing Trip (9)

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Hi peeps! It's West again!

I'm worried that these author's notes are getting really annoying, please let me know if they are and I'll shorten them as much as possible...I just like talking to people who like to read my work!

Thank you all for the reads, comments, votes and follows. It makes me feel appreciated:)

Yayyy quick update. This is a long one so sorry. I don't know if its too long or anything, but its about a thousand more words than usual. I was just super excited for this chapter that I had a lot to write:)

Sooooo if you're feeling up to it I would love all comments, critiques, follows, reads, votes, criticisms and anything like that.

This chapter is dedicated to BLUELAZER because they have been commenting on this story, which I appreciate A LOT. THANK YOU. MUCHAS GRACIAS.

And also obviously I do not own The Legend of Zelda or it's characters. If I did I would be off relaxing in some remote place drinking a piña colada (obviously that's not what I'm doing right now...unfortunately...)

Sooooo here is the super long chapter of 3099 words excluding these super long and elaborate authors notes...sorry...

Please enjoy!


Zelda woke up suddenly, remembering after a few moments that she hadn't set her alarm. Link had said that he wanted to make breakfast today, had he remembered?

She rolled over on her side and looked at the clock. Strange. Whenever she had woken up without the help of her alarm the time had been at or close to 9:13. She had kept track of every time she had woken up at 9:13 and the number was almost to one-hundered.

She hopped off of her bed grabbing her towel and clothes she had set out for the day. As she showered, she revisited a thought she had been thinking about for a while.

Zelda had never been skiing before but she had always wanted to. Maybe...if Link knew how to...could he take her and teach her? The skiing resort wasn't far from the cabin.

Maybe going skiing with him isn't a good idea, Zelda thought, I would likely embarrass myself. Still...I've always wanted to go, and father would never go with me. Alright. I'll ask him.

After finishing her shower Zelda got dressed, did her hair, and put on a little makeup. A/n: I find girls more attractive with less makeup for some reason¯\_()_/¯so sorrrrry if that's not what you think but that's my opinion:)

After she finished, she exited her room, walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. Link was there leaning against the counter and folding his arms. When he heard her come in he lifted his head and smiled when he saw it was her.

"Good morning!" he said, looking as handsome as ever, "the food is still warm, have a seat!"

Zelda gave him a warm smile in return and sat where he directed. She noticed that Link's food had not been touched yet either as he sat down.

She frowned, "have you been...w-waiting to eat with me?"

Link shrugged as he started his breakfast burrito, "yeah. It's not a big deal though."

"You...didn't have to," Zelda said feeling guilty. Wow, and she had slept in too.

"It's fine," Link said waving it off, "I would feel bad if I ate before you."

Zelda smiled and started on her food, Link was such a gentleman. They ate their food in silence and enjoyed the breakfast burritos' taste.

Once they were done Zelda sat back in the chair, satisfied. "Wow Link that was good. How come you know how to cook so well? First the fish and now this? You're a master chef!"

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