The Realization (4)

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Hi peeps!

Sorry it's been a couple days, and happy late Memorial Day!

I have done some heavy outlining for this and it's actually probably going to be around 12 chapters. Not ten, not including any epilogue that I may or may not be doing. So yayyyyy longer stuff and fluff...

Don't be shy and comment! I would love them! Let me know where the story doesn't make sense or there's a grammar error or something.

So if you feel like it, I would appreciate votes, shares, comments, critiques, criticisms and cats. Yep. I like cats.

Me no own Zelda. Most unfortunately.

Total word count without author's notes is 2204 words.

¡Por favor disfruta! (That means please enjoy...:)


The alarm woke Link up again, same time as the morning before. Yawning he turned it off and sat up on his bed.  Through his head he planned out his day.

First I'll go finish chopping the tree up into lumber, then I'll have breakfast, then I'll drive up about Deya lake today?

He proceeded to shower and dress before he left the room. He made his way outside, untied Twilight. and grabbed the axe again.

For about a half hour he cut up the rest of the tree into reasonable sizes and added them on top of the tarp where the rest of the wood was.

Since Zelda had somehow discovered the wood already, he might as well move it closer to the cabin. Grabbing the side of the tarp, Link pulled the wood all the way to the side of the cabin.

After he had finished that, he went back into the cabin to make breakfast. When he got to the kitchen, he observed his food in the refrigerator.

After looking for a while, Link shut the door to the fridge and grabbed his dry oatmeal and bananas.

As Link chewed on his hot cereal with banana slices he noticed Twilight running around outside chasing annoyed birds. Link heartily began to laugh before he covered his mouth.

Had his loud laugh been enough to carry all the way to Zelda's room? He didn't want to wake her up this early, she would probably be even more cranky, if that was even possible.

After being silent for a while longer, he assumed she hadn't heard him. After finishing his food, Link put it in the sink and washed all of his dishes. He put them all in the dishwasher and suddenly had a tense thought.

What would happen if Zelda had been planning on putting her dishes in the dishwasher today as well? He wouldn't be around to unload it before she decided to do hers. If she did want to do them today, it would be another potential mistake of his to cause her to give him more grief.

Link sighed and shrugged. While he was out, there wasn't really anything she could do until he got back to the cabin.

He started the dishwasher with no regrets and exited the cabin. After tracking down Twilight and herding him into the car.

He drove up the mountain until he arrived at Deya lake. This was probably the smallest lake that he had ever been to with his grandfather for ice fishing. Nevertheless he grabbed his equipment and walked onto the slippery surface.

Snow and Fishing; A Modern Zelink AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now