The Four Princes

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Yami Atemu Sennen smirked as he continued to sign up for every sport there was on the clubs sheet. The school year had started up once more, meaning that he was going to be captain of practically every sport once again. With this information in mind, Yami's competitive side began to jump in excitement at the competition and opponents that awaited him.

Yami was practically the "King" of the school, or if you would, the "Pharaoh". His father owned the Sennen Gaming Company, which was a top company in Domino, besides KaibaCorp. His mother had taken up in engineering and architecture, and held a company of her own, designing most of the buildings for their corporation and many others as well. Meanwhile, Yami continued to earn his way to the top by his athletic persona and becoming captain of everything every year. He even participated in some side competitions, such as the Duel Monsters Tournament, which he won and was named "King of Games". 

"Hey! Baka pharaoh! Leave some for us!" he heard someone scowl behind him.

Yami turned around and smirked as he looked at an annoyed albino. Bakura Ryou. A gruff albino with a horrible sense of humor and a bad attitude to boot. The other always seemed to be picking a fight with him, or he was trying to prank some idiot that messed with him. Either way, Yami despised the albino, even if he was a close friend of his. 

Bakura's father was a collector of the world's "treasures". His father owned multiple museums that were filled to the brim with ancient sculptures, canvases, jewels of ancient queens and kings, and even stones and scrolls that had legends inscribed into each with detail. These treasures usually originated from the times of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, some of the earlier dynasties of China, and even from the Roman Empire. Unlike his father, Bakura's mother created art, instead of collecting them. Her own business was designing the interior for many of the hotels and upcoming businesses. At one point, Yami's own mother had invited her to paint the walls for a hotel that she was designing for someone. This was originally how the family got to know one another.

"You mean you just want soccer to yourself again, Bakura?" he asked with a roll of his eyes.

Then he handed the sign up sheet to Bakura.

"Whatever, I'm not really interested in that one anyway," Yami hummed as Bakura snatched the sign up sheet away from him and growled.

"Not interested?" Bakura questioned with a huff, "Soccer is the best game there is!"

Yami rolled his eyes.

"Who knew the great thief was such a fan of soccer," Yami scoffed.

"Who knew the dumbass pharaoh was so short," Bakura retorted.

Yami glared and turned from the other and continued to look for other sports to sign up for, just like he always did, before the pen was roughly snatched out of his hand.

"Must you be captain of everything?" a voice said, "Stop wasting your time with all of this stuff. It's all really pointless."

The star-haired male turned to glare up at a tall brunette. Cold blue eyes stared down to glare down at him as well. Seto Kaiba was a stubborn man. A man so prideful that he usually never bothered with school and continued to run his own company, KaibaCorp.

Seto Kaiba, although prideful, had a deep feeling of love for his younger brother, Mokuba Kaiba. The young boy was thirteen, and took pride in his brother. He was sort of like Seto's ball of sanity and hope, with his black hair and blue eyes. Honestly, if Yami hadn't met Mokuba, he would've considered Seto to be the most narcissistic person alive. It's no secret though that both parents are deceased, but no one ever really brings it up. It's just the two Kaibas and their giant white mansion. As for the connection between Seto's family and Yami's own, the two are cousins, both on their fathers' sides.

Yami rolled his eyes and snatched the pen back from him.

"Leave me alone, Kaiba," he grumbled as he continued to sign up for the sports.

"Awe, are the two cousins in a quarrel?" another voice laughed hysterically.

Yami groaned.

"Marik, will you shut up already?" Bakura said as he threw a pen at said person.

Marik Ishtar was a sandy blonde with wild hair. His eyes were a dark purple and were always holding a glint of evil in them. Sometimes Yami really thought that he was the evil one in the group, but then Bakura would pull out his attitude and Yami would be proven wrong.

Marik's father was the owner of multiple hospitals throughout domino. The entire company of hospitals was considered the best and most efficient in Japan. This was a surprise, considering how many people Marik put in those hospitals, too. His mother also owned her line of hospital's, except her hospitals helped with animals. Owning her line of veterinary hospitals, his mother grew to be a very big success around Japan. 

Then there were his siblings. Marik's sister, Isis, was a doctor in her father's hospital. She was the best of them all, and was good at what she did. Then his adopted brother, Odin, who always helped out with his mom's work usually. Now considering that they all worked really hard and were successful, Marik's entire family was as successful as a bee making honey. 

Because of how many times Yami and Bakura had gotten in trouble by messing with Seto's possessions, it came as no surprise when the two ended up in the hospital one day. This of course meant that they were about to meet Marik's sister, Isis, who introduced the trio to Marik, thus making our group of princes.

"Shut up, Kura!" Marik said with a smirk as he approached the trio.

"Great, so all three of you are here today," Yami muttered with sigh of annoyance, "Well, can you guys at least keep it cool and not screw up anything today? Dad said that if we caused anymore trouble, he was going to make sure that we will be put into Schneider Private school, and I really don't want to deal with the sluts over there."

"Relax," Bakura said with a grumble, "My dad said the same thing, so I have no choice, but to be good today."

"Ha! I didn't get that message!" Marik said with a laugh, before his phone buzzed.

He took out his phone and read the message, which said:

Marik, be good today or else I will send you to Schneider Private School, where you will study archaeology for the rest of your life.


"Scratch that," he muttered, "My dad said the same as well."

"What a fucking horrible way to start off this school year," Bakura growled as he crossed his arms. 

"You can say that again," Marik huffed.

"Well at least you two psychos will be under control," Yami said, before turning to look at Seto, only to find the spot empty, "Where's Kaiba?"

The other two shrugged, before looking around.

"Probably went off somewhere to find someone to duel," Bakura snickered.

"Well, whatever," Yami said with a shrug, "As long as it's not me."

With a curt nod, Yami began to walk away from the duo. He really just wanted to go to the cafeteria and see if the lunch ladies would let him into the kitchen.

To be continued... 

Gabby: Yami, what on earth is possessing you to go to the kitchen? You're rich for goodness sake!

Yami: *rolls his eyes* You're the writer. Only you know why

Gabby: Must you be such a smartass?

Yami: I do have the ass and I am smart.

Gabby: *throws shoe at Yami* whatever!

Yami: *dodges and chuckles*

Gabby: Anyway! Thank you for reading! I do not own the characters, but I do own the plot! Goodbye!!

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