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Malik's eyes flew open as he looked towards the doorway to see Seto standing there. The water continued to hit at his head as he screamed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Malik exclaimed as he covered himself.

"I should be asking you that!" Seto said as he scowled.

"Haven't you ever heard of the term knock before entering?" Malik grumbled, before relaxing and finishing up his wash.

Seto pinched the bridge of his nose as he walked back out.

"Just, just finish up!" Seto yelled back as he set down his bag and walked out of his room.

Seto shook his head.

"This is insane," he growled, before bumping into something.

"Oof," the something said.

Seto looked down and felt his whole world explode. His face started heating up as he found a certain mutt looking up at him with a glare, while they stood chest to chest.

"What the hell?" Jounouchi growled, "Why are you here, asshole?"

Seto raised a brow as he stared down at him.

"This is my mansion," Seto grumbled, "The real question is: why are you here, mutt?"

Jounouchi scowled before pushing away from the other. Then he looked away. He let out a slow sigh as he ran a hand through his wet blonde locks.

At this moment, Seto took his time in looking over the blonde. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a white T. Seto's eyes widened as he stared at the T-shirt. On the T-shirt was a blue eyes white dragon design. The brunette nearly died. That was his shirt! And it looked really nice on Jounouchi. It made the blonde look even more comfy and bright. Well, brighter than his attitude...

Seto shook his head and began to walk past the other.

"Forget it," he grumbled, "I have work to do."

As Seto walked away from Jounouchi, he could feel the other's stare on his back. He ignored it, though, and continued on his way towards his office.

Jounouchi frowned before shaking it off and continuing to walk on to find Malik.

"What was that about?" Malik asked as he walked out of Seto's room.

Jounouchi shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Let's just get back to the others, so we can leave and go to the arcade already..."

Malik nodded. "You think he's scarred because he saw me naked?"

Jounouchi's eyes widened, before fits of laughter started to explode from him.

"He saw you naked?" Jounouchi asked with a laugh, "Dude, we've gotta tell Yug' and Ryou."

Malik rolled his eyes and shoved Jounouchi.

"Whatever, let's go," Malik chuckled as he walked down the hall and downstairs with Jounouchi.

As they made it downstairs, they grinned when they saw Yugi and Ryou working as hard as ever.

"You guys are not going to believe what just happened!" Jounouchi laughed as he bounced towards them, sitting down at the coffee table.

Yugi raised a brow as he looked up from the assignments.

"Mr. CEO walked into Malik naked!" Jounouchi exclaimed through his laughing tears.

Yugi chuckled.

"Well, gee, I hope he enjoyed the view," Malik purred, "I don't just let anyone see me naked."

Malik looked suggestively at his friends, before fanning himself haughty.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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