Backgrounds and Names

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"Hey, look," Bakura said as he moved the mouse, "There's a video."

"Well don't just sit there," Yami said, "Play it!"

Bakura rolled his eyes as he played the video, and they waited there patiently as they waited for it to load.

"Malik Ishtar: 

Born in Siwa, a beautiful desert oasis in Egypt, he is a protege when it comes to technology. He moved to Japan at the age of seven, and over the next years of his life, he had won multiple science and technology awards. Being called the "Outkast of Technology", he continued to work with multiple computer companies as well.

As for his parents, it is said that they are deceased and he is currently living with his sister, Ishizu Ishtar. His sister supports them by working at the Domino museum, where she hosts and guides many tourists. 

On the side, Malik also earned a black belt in karate, and enjoys his days by being with his friends. Malik also enjoys playing tricks and having fun with his "genius pranks".

However, although he did help improve most computers, he had set that part of him aside in order to attend Domino high school. Wanting to finish off his education,although unneeded, he decided to pull back from computer designing."

Marik cringed as he remembered how irritated Malik was after discovering that he had broken five of the keyboards in the computer lab. His lips formed into an "o" shape as he remembered the other trying to push him out of the place. Sheepishly, he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I should probably get those replaced," Marik thought to himself as he began to pull out his cell phone and started to order some new keyboards by tomorrow.

"Ryou Bakura:

This outkast was born in Birmingham, England. He is an albino with a gentle attitude, but don't let his soft voice fool you. By the influence of Malik and Jounouchi, it would come as no surprise that this outkast would have multiple sassy remarks and know a little on how to kick your butt.

Ryou had moved to Japan around the age of nine. During his younger years, he was known to have a knack for art and music. It was no wonder that over the years, this teen became a protege in those exact talents. Give this albino any instrument and he will play it til his heart's content. As for his art, one would think that he came from the Renaissance. Because of these talents, he easily won multiple music and art awards. He was, of course, the "Outkast of Arts".

As for his family, he has a little sister, Amane, who lives with his father back in England. Both of them have their own cafe and gardening shop, which gives the support that is needed.

But just like his fellow outkast, Ryou chose his education over the awards that were given. Choosing to live in Domino with his friends, Ryou attends Domino high school as well. "

Bakura hummed in acknowledgement as he listened to the interviewer explain his smaller look alike. However, none of it answered his question as to how the other was able to land a kick like that.

The albino sighed and shook his head as he just leaned back in his seat and listened.

"Jounouchi Katsuya, who is also known in America as Joseph Wheeler:

He was born in Brooklyn, New York in the United States. After a divorce between his parents, Jounouchi was brought to Japan at age seven with his father. His mother was left in America with his little sister, Shizuka, who's American name is Serenity.

This outkast was originally a part of a gang as he grew up on the streets. However, once he met the other outkasts, he quickly left that life behind and began to discover his own talent. His own talents consisted of winning multiple fighting championship awards and even an acting award for his starring in "Sleeping Beauty" as "Aurora" . He may look tough on the outside, but deep down, he's just an adorable pup with a heart for acting. With this in mind, Jounouchi has earned the title of "Outkast of Combat and Acting".

Still wanting to finish his education as well, Jounouchi continues to act in school plays at Domino high school as well."

"So the mutt is an outkast, too," Seto mumbled as he watched the video show a picture of Jounouchi dressed as Aurora.

"What a pup," He thought in his head as he looked at the picture with a smirk. Then he leaned back in his seat and watched as the video.

"And finally, we have our final outkast.

Yugi Motou:

Our very own outkast from the heart of Domino, Japan. This cutie is usually the nicest of the four. He is so soft and sweet to meet. His parents had passed on after their involvement in a car crash when he was only six, so he lived with his grandfather for the majority of his life. This would be in the Kame Game shop, which his grandfather owns. Unsurprisingly, Yugi grew up to be very interested in gaming, and is undefeated, which is funny, because that reminds me of the King of Games, who looks like an older version of our dear Yugi Motou.

Anyway, our sweet outkast here has an imagination of large proportions. Writing multiple stories and poems, Yugi had earned his way by winning multiple Writing awards. At a very young age, Yugi had written over forty different poems that were used to inspire many other future writers of the world. Because of this, he had easily made his way into earning the title of "Outkast of Creation".

Thus, we have our four outkasts, Yugi being the glue that holds this unusual group of misfits together with his sweet and charming persona."

As the video ended, Yami smiled as he learned the name of the younger male.

"Yugi, huh?" he hummed with a grin as he looked up at the ceiling.

This time the image of the other was on his mind as he grinned with giddy, satisfied that they now knew who the outkasts were.

"So, did you guys figure out who the outkasts were?" Mokuba asked with a grin as he hopped down the steps in blue pajamas, his hair dripping wet a bit.

They all nodded, satisfied as they all relaxed in their space.

"But wait!" Marik said as he sat up, "Why does the word outkast have a 'k'?" 

Mokuba laughed.

"It's to signify difference from an actual outcast with a 'c'. They aren't exactly geeks that would get picked on, but they also aren't apart of the "cool" crowd either. They were too popular to be geeks and too unpopular to be cool. They're just in the middle. So, we call them outkasts with a 'k'," Mokuba explained as he sat down next to Kaiba.

"Why do you know so much?" Seto asked with a raised brow.

"My friends have older siblings that go to Domino high school, and they're always talking about the outkasts, who also happen to be the smartest people in the school apparently," Mokuba said, "Well, besides Jounouchi, I believe. But I think that he's secretly smart, but doesn't like to show it."

Seto rolled his eyes, amused.

"Mokuba, go back upstairs and go to sleep," he said.

To be continued...

Gabby: Finally! I explained it! Cheese its! That took forever!!! Ugh!!! I own nothing, except the plot! Thank you for reading! I shall update next Friday, so be on the look out! Bye bye!

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