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"You know that's never a good idea, Jou," Ryou said with a small laugh as he shook his head.

Jounouchi rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms with a grin.

"He can be the best at games, but there is no way he can win with bets," Jou said as he smirked.

"They're the same thing," Ryou commented, earning a snicker from Yugi.

"Let it go, Ryou," Yugi chuckled, "It's Jou, once he thinks it, he'll always think it."

"Hey! That's not true!" Jou exclaimed as he glared lightly at Yugi.

Ryou laughed and smiled. Then he looked around, looking for something.

"Have you guys seen Malik yet?" he asked as he turned around and looked back at the school.

Both boys shrugged and shook their heads as they also looked back at the school.

"He should have been here already," Jounouchi said as he sighed and leaned against the school gate.

Right as they mentioned him, Malik came running furiously out of the school building. Yugi's eyes widened as he noticed how red the other's face was as he came toward them.  With a raised brow, Yugi stepped forward to greet the sandy blonde.

"Is everything okay, Mal?" he asked.

"No!" he exclaimed with a huff as he immediately hugged Yugi.

Yugi was shocked, but hugged the other back. Before long, Ryou and Jou were at their sides, questioning the sandy blonde. However, he just continued to hug Yugi and mumble inaudible words under his breath.

"Malik!" Yugi exclaimed, "What on earth happened? Are you alright?"

Malik whined as he pulled away.

"I hate princes so much," he said.

That's when they all understood and sighed.

"What happened?" Ryou asked.

Malik huffed and sighed as he began to retell the events of before he arrived.


Malik sighed as he walked down the hallway. The bell had rung, signaling that the last class of the day was over. This was a good sign for him, considering that it was Friday, and he was going to sleep over at Yugi's place with Jounouchi and Ryou. But first he had to go to the computer lab to print out his science lab early.

As he walked toward the door, all he heard was a loud banging and the sound of something crashing. Worried, he sped up and entered the lab, looking for the source of the sound. That's when he noticed a certain prince banging on a computer's keyboard. Marik Ishtar, who was currently beating the life out of the technology, and was even cursing at the thing.

"Son of a bitch," he heard the other curse as he continued to break the keyboard, "God damn thing won't fucking work."

"Woah! Calm down!" Malik exclaimed as he moved toward the other and stopped his fists, "Jesus, no wonder it's not working! You punched the life out of it!"

Malik sighed as he let go of the other's wrists and stepped back. He looked down at the keyboard and noticed that some keys had been broken in the process. This caused him to wince as he was reminded that he was responsible for the care of the school's computers, which means that because of this idiot, he would have to stay late to finish it, meaning he would get to hang out with his friends late.

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