Outcasts or Outkasts?

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"You want me to what?" Seto asked with a raised brow as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the three, who were still sitting on his couch.

"We need you to look up some information on the outkasts of our school," Yami said.

"I heard you the first time, but I don't know exactly who these outkasts are," Seto grumbled as he rolled his eyes.

The other three groaned as the leaned back in their place.

Bakura muttered some incoherent curses, while Yami just closed his eyes and tried to imagine his small look alike once more. Marik huffed as he wiped his hands on his jeans, and then pulled out his phone. With a puzzled look, Seto watched the three and their reactions.

"Why are you all so interested in these outkasts?" Seto asked.

"We aren't," Yami answered as he opened his eyes, "We just want to know who they are..."

"So you are interested in them," Seto said.

"Fine," Yami sighed, "Whatever you believe. We just wanted to know who they are."

Seto hummed in thought.

"What spiked this interest anyway?" he asked curiously.

"We all had a run in with an outkast," Bakura said as he stood up and began to walk to the kitchen, only to come back out with a can of coke.

Seto nodded as he moved toward an empty space on the couch, setting his brief case down on his lap. Then he opened it and pulled out his laptop. Opening the thing, he looked up at the other three.

"Do you have a description of these outkasts?" he asked.

"They look exactly like us, but smaller," the three said simultaneously.

Seto raised a brow, but shook his head. Then he looked back down at his computer and began to type away. The other three began to gather around him, curiously as they looked at the screen as well. With fast paced fingers, he continued to type away at his computer.

An hour later, and Seto still had nothing on the outkasts. Bakura, Marik, and Yami had all engaged in a game of Uno, which surprisingly lasted a while. However, it seemed that Yami was going to win. Again.

Growing irritated, Seto growled and pushed his laptop to the side.

"This is ridiculous!" he exclaimed, frustrated with the search, "Do these outkasts even exist?"

"Outkasts?" a voice questioned.

The boys turned to see little Mokuba entering the house. He was still wearing his soccer uniform as he set his gym bag and school bag down by the door. Then he walked toward the circle of high schoolers in the living room. He noticed that his brother had his laptop out with multiple windows open. Mokuba's brows furrowed as he looked at the screen. The word "outcasts" written in many of the search bars, which also had descriptions that sounded vaguely like a description of the three playing Uno. 

"Brother?" he questioned, "What are you searching for?"

"He's looking for the outkasts of our high school," Yami answered for Seto, who was too busy pinching the bridge of his nose with an agitated look.

Mokuba paused in thought. That's when he started to make sense of what they were looking for.

"Um, Seto," Mokuba said, "Would it be okay if I tried something?"

Seto opened his eyes and looked at the smaller Kaiba. He let out a slow sigh as he shrugged and gave him the laptop. Mokuba grinned as he placed the laptop on the coffee table, and knelt down in front of it. Seto watched as Mokuba moved the mouse to the word "Outcast". Mokuba let out a small hum as he switched the "c" with a "k" instead. Then he typed out: "Outkasts in Domino".

With interest, Yami and the others had peered over the smaller Kaiba's shoulder, wondering what he was searching for.

As soon as Mokuba hit the search button, multiple articles started showing up. An image even showed up as well. There on the screen were four familiar students. A tri-colored star shaped haired kid, a sandy blonde, an albino, and another taller sunny blonde.

Seto was surprised to see the mutt on the picture with the other three, whom he assumed were the ones that the demons ran into.

"That's him!" Yami exclaimed as he pointed to a picture of Yugi.

The high schoolers stared down at Mokuba, who was just grinning happily.

"I thought it was weird when I heard you guys talking about outkasts," he said with a laugh.

"All this time," Seto said with an irritated sigh, "It was because it was with a k?"

Mokuba laughed and smiled as he looked at his older brother.

"It's okay, Seto," he said, "You didn't know."

"Well, how did you know?" Yami asked Mokuba with a raised brow.

"Everyone at my school is always talking about them," Mokuba said, "They're not exactly unknown around Domino. I'm surprised you guys didn't know about them. Why are you guys looking them up, anyway?"

"We just wanted to know who they were," Yami said.

Mokuba sat there confused as he watched them stare at the pictures.

"Isn't that stalking?" Mokuba asked curiously.

"No," they responded quickly.

Mokuba laughed and shrugged, not really caring.

"Well, I'm going to go shower," he said, "bye!"

And with that, Mokuba skipped up the stairs happily as he went to take a shower. A nice long and warm shower.

Meanwhile, the four boys just continued to look at the picture.

"So... what does it say?" Marik asked, not really wanting to read.

To be continued...

Gabby: Another chapter! Done! Whooo!!! I'm so happy right now!!! Mokuba is so cute!!! I own nothing, except the plot! Thank you for reading!

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