A Mutt and A Script Slap

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As Jounouchi waited by the gate for his friends, a scowl was placed upon his expression as he remembered the earlier events of that day. Honestly, he just wanted to rant to his friends about the whole ordeal.

~Earlier that day~

The blonde sighed as he looked down at the thick packet in his hand. He had asked Yugi for ideas on what to base the play on, but after writing it, he felt as though something was missing. The story was about a prince, who was engaged to a princess. 

"How original," Jou muttered to himself sarcastically, but continued to read through what he had written once more.

However, in the story, the princess has a younger sister, who has fallen deeply in love with the prince. The prince also reciprocated the same feelings toward her, but since he was engaged to the older sister, he couldn't go with the one he really did love. And so the story ends tragically with the prince and the older sister being married, while the younger sister falls apart, because she wants to be loyal to her older sister. 

"Ugh," Jou groaned, "I don't get it. What is wrong with this script?"

Jou was frustrated about the entire thing. The drama teacher had loved his script, but somehow Jou just didn't feel that it was right. He felt like something was missing.

Not paying attention, Jou ended up walking straight into a wall, which caused him to drop the script at hand. A very warm wall. 

"Warm?" Jou thought to himself with furrowed brows as he pulled back and looked upward.

He had walked right into someone's back. Jou felt heat rise to his cheeks as he bowed embarrassed.

"I am so sorry!" he exclaimed with a flush, "I wasn't paying attention and-"

"Mutt," said the taller.

"Mutt?" Jou questioned in his head as he paused.

Jou felt hot irritation spike through his system as he looked up and glared at the cold blue eyes that stared down at him. Jou recognized the person with ease.

"Seto Kaiba! Just my luck!" he thought to himself with an annoyed sound, "Out of all the people to bump into, I bump into the asshole of the school."

"You even sound like a mongrel," Seto said as he looked down at the other, coolly.

"Who the hell are you calling a dog?" he said with a growl.

The other smirked down at him and scoffed. Feeling a small pot of anger boil in his gut, Jou let out an undignified sound of annoyance as he picked up his script and slapped the other in the face with it. This left the the taller with a shocked expression as he stared down at the other, flabbergasted at what just happened.

Jou smirked smugly.

"Serves you right, you ass," he taunted, before turning with the squeak of his shoes and leaving.

"Mutt," the other hummed from behind.

Jou growled annoyed.

"That's your new name," he said, and Jou could practically feel the smirk radiating from the other.

Deciding that it would be bad if he killed a student on a Friday, Jou decided to just continue walking away from the other. Albeit, he was still frustrated with what the other "renamed" him.

~In the Present~

Jounouchi grumbled as he stood there, glaring at the ground.

"When I see that pompous prince again, I'm going to punch him in the face," he muttered to himself as he pictured the other.

"You met a prince, too?" a voice asked from behind.

Jou hummed and looked up to see Yugi.

"Yeah," Jou scoffed, "And he's a complete jerk."

Yugi laughed and nodded.

"The prince I met was okay..." Yugi trailed off as he looked at the ground, "Until he started asking if I needed a ride back to the middle school."

Jounouchi looked up with wide eyes, before laughter left his lips. Yugi had turned his gaze toward him and glared. Then he roughly shoved the other a bit, but not too much to hurt him.

"Shut up," Yugi said with a huff, "What happened with you and your prince?"

Jounouchi paused and let out a frustrated growl as he kicked the school gate, causing it to make a banging sound.

"That bad?" Yugi asked curiously.

"He called me a mutt!" he snarled, "How do you think I feel?"

Yugi paused and raised a brow. Then he looked up thoughtfully as he continued to think on the situation.

"Why did he call you a mutt of all things?" Yugi asked confused.

"Hell if I know!" Jou yelled, "All I know is that I want to punch him in his pretty face."

"So you think the prince is pretty?" Yugi smirked cheekily.

"Yug', I may be an idiot," Jounouchi deadpanned, "But I'm not blind."

Yugi laughed and shook his head as he placed his hand in his pockets.

"True, but all the princes are considered to be the best looking," Yugi said.

"Yeah, well, this prince is about to look good with a black eye," Jou grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest, pouting angrily.

Yugi bit his lip in an attempt to not laugh, but the action failed him as bubbles of laughter left him. 

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Jou said with a sigh as he raked his fingers through his blonde hair, "But I'm tellin' ya. If I see him again, I'll kick him in the shin!"

Yugi shook his head.

"Bet you won't," Yugi said with a small smirk.

"Bet," Jou smirked.

"I'll take you on that wager," Yugi said with a smile.

"If I win, you have to do the laundry," he said.

"And if I win," Yugi hummed, "You have to cook dinner for a week."

"So be it!" Jou said as they shook hands.

"Are you guys making bets again?" Ryou asked as he walked up toward the two.

Both turned to him and grinned as they both nodded.

To Be Continued...

Gabby: Mutt this, mutt that. Yeah right. We all know that it's actually "pup"!

Seto: *rolls his eyes* He will always be a mutt.

Gabby: suuuuuuurrreee! *huffs* anyway! Thank you for reading! I don't own the characters! Please enjoy the plot! I will be updating every Friday after this chapter! I look forward to seeing your comments! Thank you!

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