Sorry for The Head Pats

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Yugi dragged his feet as he walked down the hall. He really didn't feel like talking to Sennen. Especially after he punched him in the face over something so stupid. At this point, Yugi wanted to turn around and kick himself in the ass.

"Why do I always get myself into trouble?" he asked no one in specific as he approached the principles office.

As he reached for the doorknob, a nervous feeling overwhelmed him. He pulled away from the door and turned away.

"Maybe I can make up an excuse and say something else came up or—"

"Mr. Motou! Glad you could make it!" Principal Charles said as he approached Yugi.

Yugi paled as he looked down the hall to see the principal walking towards him.

"Kami, when I meet you, I want to personally kick your tush," Yugi growled angrily in his thoughts.

However, Yugi put on a smile and bowed toward the principal.

"Good evening, Principal Charles," Yugi said as he stood up straight.

Principal Charles was a platinum blond with blue eyes. He came from America to Domino to become an English teacher. However, as things turned out, he ended up becoming the school's principal.

"Well, Mr. Sennen should be in there by now, so let's go inside," Principal Charles said as he walked into the office.

Yugi felt a little grateful that he hadn't walked in, otherwise he'd have been left alone with the star athlete. In a way, maybe the gods were looking out for him after all.

Yugi kept a straight face as he sat down in a chair next to Yami, who was currently slouching in his seat while looking at his phone. Once he glanced up and noticed Yugi, he put his phone away and sat up quickly. Principal Charles inwardly chuckled at the strange exchange as he sat in his own seat.

"So, we've come to discuss Yami's grades," Principal Charles said as he folded his hands and leaned on his desk.

"I'm sure we don't need to discus all  of them..." Yami trailed off, "Maybe just a few—"

"An A in art, a C- in calculus, a D in English Language Arts, a B in Science, an A in P.E., and a C in your History class," he said as he handed Yugi a file of Yami's grades.

Yugi scoffed inwardly at the P.E. grade, but held a straight face as he took the file from Principal Charles.

"Inside the file is a list of what his classes will be doing for the entire first quarter of the semester." Principal Charles looked towards Yami. "Please get together and figure out how your schedules will work."

Yami nodded and then looked at Yugi nervously, who was reading through the pages in the files. Then he turned back to Charles.

"Is that all?" he asked.

Principal Charles hummed in thought.

"Mr. Motou, I would like to ask for a constant update on his progress, and that will be all for now," Principal Charles said satisfied as he leaned back in his chair, "Can't have our star player kicked off any teams, now can we?"

Yugi closed the file promptly and put it in his bag. Then he stood up and bowed.

"Thank you, Principal Charles," he said, before turning and exiting the room.

Yami stood up quickly and bowed sloppily, before stumbling over his feet as he tried to follow Yugi out of the room.

"Ah, Yugi, wait!" he called out.

Yugi sighed and turned toward the other.

"Yes, Sennen?" he asked as he looked at the other.

Yami paused as he looked at the other, all words leaving him as the spotlight was on him.

"Er... I was going to ask, would it be alright for me to take you home?" he asked.

"Excuse me?" Yugi asked with a reddened face.

Yami looked at Yugi confused, before realizing his choice of words were definitely not right.

"No! Not like that or anything! I'm straight!" he said, even though that last part was a lie, "I meant, would it be okay if I drove you to your house, so we could possibly talk about the whole tutoring thing?"

Yami was a nervous wreck, which was surprising considering how chill he usually was. Yugi actually found it endearing, but he didn't comment. Instead he turned around and started to walk.

Yami felt like a rejected puppy as Yugi walked away, until he saw the other pause and turn to look at him.

"Well, let's go then," Yugi said, "We can talk about the schedule on the way, but first we need to stop some where."

Yami grinned and nodded as he walked down the hall with Yugi. As they walked, Yugi's cellphone began to ring. He looked down at his phone. The words : MK Tech blaring brightly on his screen. He shook his head as he answered.

"Hey Mal, what's—"

"I'M GOING TO BOIL THAT BASTARD'S LIMBS AND FRY THE REST OF HIS WORTHLESS BODY PARTS!" Malik exclaimed loudly through the phone, obviously pissed off.

Yugi winced as he held the phone away from his ear.

"What happened?" Yugi asked.

"That bastard replaced all the freaking computers!" Malik cried out.

"Okay? Isn't that a good thing?" Yugi asked confused.

"No! Just, just come! It's a code M.I.T!" Malik said before hanging up.

Yugi pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it before shaking his head and putting his phone away. Yami raised a brow as he stared at the other.

"What does M.I.T. mean?" he asked.

"Malik In Trouble," Yugi explained as they walked down the stairs and to the first floor, "I should probably go check it out."

"May I accompany you?" he asked.

"I don't see why not," he hummed as they walked towards the computer lab, "Just, just don't touch anything."

Yami hummed in understanding as they walked.

"Ah... about our last encounter, or rather, our first  encounter," Yami started as he glanced around, "I'm sorry."

Yugi stopped and looked at the other in surprise. He hadn't expected the other to even mention their first encounter, nor apologize. It took a second, but then he went back to walking beside the other.

"It's not really your fault," Yugi said, "I'm sorry for punching you in the face. I don't, I'm not, well..."

Yugi sighed.

"Usually I'm not so violent..." he trailed off as he looked down at the floor, gripping the straps of his backpack tightly.

The taller smiled softly and pat Yugi's head gently.

"It's okay," he said.

Yugi's eyes widened as a blush exploded on his face, before he moved away and started to walk faster. 

"We should hurry up," he said as he made it to the computer lab and walked in.

Yami was left alone in the hallway.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked quietly, before sighing and shaking his head.

To be continued...

Gabby: Heeeeyyyy, so it's been a while. Sorry for the late delay. I have been going to Hawaii, coming back to Washington, doing dance ministrations, and I even started my first year of college! I also started another personal Wattpad account: @GBalabeast Thank you for your support, and I will now try to update on Saturdays instead. Fridays if I feel very generous! Anyways, thanks again! 

I don't own any of the characters! Thank you!

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