Talks and Chicken

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Yami rubbed his cheek as he stared up at the ceiling. He was currently lying down on a grey couch in the Kaiba mansion's living room. Since no one was at his house, he decided to just crash Seto's place. So, there he was, on the couch, thinking of the incident that happened earlier that day.

His mind was filled with thoughts about the younger look alike of his. The image of round amethyst eyes glared into his mind as he continued to touch the place where the other had punched him. 

"What's wrong with you?" a voice intruded his thoughts.

Yami looked up and saw Bakura climbing through a window.

"You do realize that there is a door, right?" Yami asked.

"I don't care," Bakura said with a shrug as he moved and plopped down on the couch, "So, what's got the baka pharaoh messed up now?"

Yami rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, when he was interrupted.

"He got punched in the face by some other guy," another voice interrupted.

Yami's eyes widened as he turned and saw Marik sitting on the couch with a plate of chicken on it. 

"How long have you been here?" he asked.

"Long enough to see you rubbing your cheek for the past thirty minutes," Marik laughed as he took a bite of the chicken.

Yami growled and glared at the other, before turning to glare at the ceiling. He could hear the sound of Bakura's low snickers as Marik ate.

"So, you're hurt because you got punched?" Bakura chuckled as he reached over and stole a drumstick from Marik's plate, "That's pathetic. Who was this brat anyway?"

Yami shrugged.

"I don't know his name," he muttered annoyed, "He looks like an innocent and smaller version of me! It's so weird!"

Bakura and Marik paused as they looked at the other. 

"You met one, too?" they asked in sync.

Yami sat up so fast that his vision was a little blurry. He looked over at them with a puzzled look as his brows furrowed in confusion.

"What are you guys talking about?" he asked.

Marik hummed as he stuffed his face with more chicken, before speaking.

"Earlier, I was trying to print out my English paper, but the stupid keyboards didn't work, which is when this other guy came in. He looked like me, but less-"

"Demonic?" Bakura questioned with a smirk.

Marik sent him a glare before shaking his head.

"I was going to say less evil, but that works," he said with a shrug, "Anyway, he ended up helping me print out my paper. He was weird though. He didn't fawn over me or address my name or anything. It's like he just wanted to get rid of me already."

Bakura laughed.

"Anyone who is sane would want to get rid of you," Bakura retorted.

"Shut up, kitty," Marik smirked, earning a glare.

"Don't call me that," he huffed.

Yami rolled his eyes and turned his gaze to Bakura.

"What about you?" Yami asked.

Bakura shrugged as he leaned back into the couch and yawned. He ran a hand through his long white locks before thinking.

"I didn't exactly talk to my look alike," Bakura said, "I was just practicing more skills for soccer, when the ball flew and hit this chick in the head. Funniest thing ever, by the way. Then I saw my look alike try to help her, but she just pushed him down and left. She deserved that ball to the head.

"Anyway, after that, he stood up, and did the craziest thing ever. He kicked the ball and it landed perfectly in the center. I've never seen anyone do that! I thought this kid was probably a protege or something! It was weird!"

Yami sighed as he shook his head and groaned. His head hurt from thinking too much about the situation. On one hand, he was intrigued by the events that happened today. On the other, he just wanted to figure out who this kid was and why he intrigued him so much. 

"You know," Marik hummed, "I've heard rumors about them."

Yami's head snapped up and he looked at Marik with a curious look. Even Bakura was paying attention to what the sandy blonde had to say.

"Anzu was talking about it with Mai or something," Marik said as he tried to remember, "She said that there are some students who look like us, and everyone calls them the outkasts. I don't remember why, but they just do."

"Outkasts?" Bakura snorted as he shook his head, "Where the fuck is that in our hierarchy?"

Marik shrugged as he ate his chicken.

"Maybe Seto knows more about it," Yami said out loud in thought.

Suddenly, they heard the doorknob start to twist and push open. All three smirked as they watched Seto walk through the doors.

"Speak of the devil," Yami laughed as Seto looked up at them.

"What the hell are you three demons doing in my house?" Seto asked with a glare, "Get out."

"Woah! Calm down, Seto," Yami smirked, "We just wanted to know some information..."

To Be Continued...

Gabby: WEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL!!!! There ya have it folks! Thanks for reading!

Yami: It's so short!

Gabby: Then you write it!

Yami: No way! I don't write.

Gabby: Exactly, so shut up!

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