Future Therapist

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"THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!" Jounouchi exclaimed as he slammed his hands down on the desk, "Please, tell me you're joking, Mr. Hasahara!"

Steel grey eyes stared up at the frustrated teen in front of him. Dark brown locks brushed aside to accompany the face of a man in his mid-30s, who wore a black leather jacket that covered up his white button up. With a sly grin and a dramatic aura, this was Mr. Hasahara. The drama teacher.

"What seems to be the problem, Mr. Katsuya?" Mr. Hasahara chuckled amused.

"You know the problem," Jounouchi stated with clear annoyance.

"Is this about Mr. Kaiba joining the Cinderella project?" the drama teacher asked with a large smirk.


Mr. Hasahara let out a rough laugh as he leaned back in the grey swivel chair.

"Jounouchi, why do you like acting?" Mr. Hasahara asked.

Jounouchi paused at the sudden question, before crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because I can create myself in different ways," Jounouchi answered honestly, "It's my passion."

"If it is your passion, then why let one person stop you from doing it?" Mr. Hasahara asked.

"I didn't say I wasn't going to—

"No, but you're refusing to cooperate with Mr. Kaiba. Which, generally speaking, is still the same thing." Mr. Hasahara closed his eyes. "Mr. Yato complained to me about your situation with Mr. Kaiba, and I feel that you need to grow up."

Jounouchi bit his tongue as he watched Mr. Hasahara open his eyes and stare intensely at him. 

"You're not going to like everyone in this world, and not everyone is going to like you," he said, "But if you want to keep your "passion", you need to learn to overcome those feelings and cooperate with your enemies. My job isn't just to teach you how to smile and fake emotions on a stage, my job is to teach you how to work and blend in the real world. So either you take this lesson, or you can give up on continuing being an acting type protege. I'd suggest talking it out with Mr. Kaiba, when you can."

Jounouchi's eyes widened as he clenched his fists at his side.

"Tch, give your therapy sessions to some sap who really needs it," Jounouchi said as he turned, "I was going to tell you that the problem is that Kaiba never shows up to class anyway, so how can I cooperate with an "enemy" like that?"

The blonde huffed and grumbled as he walked out of the office and headed down toward the theater room.

Mr. Hasahara held his sly grin as his eyes sparked with clear enjoyment.

"This is going to be quite an interesting school year," he hummed to himself as he spun in his swivel chair.

Malik was tapping his foot as he stood on the stage of the theater room, while Yugi sat on the edge. The sound of the door opening caught their attention, and the looked up to see their blonde friend stomp in with a flustered expression.

Yugi gave a soft expression.

"Did Mr. Hasahara give you his therapy session talk?" Yugi joked.

"Worse, he gave it to me and told me that I needed to cooperate with Kaiba," Jounouchi huffed.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Malik is having an awful day, too," Yugi said.

Jounouchi raised a brow and looked at Malik, who was tapping his foot anxiously. If the boy willed it, there probably would've been a dent in the stage, but there was no viciousness in the action.

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