The Awkward Middle

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Ryou huffed as he walked down the path next to the soccer field. His brows were furrowed as he walked each step. Earlier, a song had come into his head, and the poor male had forgotten the lyrics to the song. Now he walks down the path trying to figure out the lyrics to the song that continued to haunt his brain without words.

"What is this song?" he whined as he inwardly cried.

As he continued to walk down the path, he looked up to see that their school's soccer team had just started practice. As he watched, he noticed an albino with similar hair as him, but sharper features.

"Ah... Bakura Ryou," he muttered to himself as he rolled his eyes.

"You looking at Bakura?" a voice asked behind him.

Ryou jumped and turned to look at the person behind him. He was surprised to find Vivian Wong there. An annoying fan of Bakura, who always seemed to pester Ryou in any way. Vivian had a head full of black hair, and as you can guess, was just your stereotypical looking Chinese girl. However, she was a part of the popular group, not because she was nice and hung out with the groups, but because of how pretty the entire school thought she was. Vivian was rated the third most hottest girl in school, giving her the right to be with the popular crowd.

Although she was a pretty girl, Ryou thought her attitude was just plain awful, but of course, she always treated him as though he was lower. And with the type of social ladder they had at their school, it would come as no surprise if he seemed lower than her anyway. However that's not her true reasoning for how she treats him so, Ryou had discovered. She mainly disliked him for one reason and one reason alone. He could sing better than her. It was a lame reason, but Vivian seemed to have taken it as a personal challenge.

Ryou rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"I'm looking at the team in general, Miss Wong," he said, trying to be nice as he gave a small smile.

Vivian rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well, I don't care," she said with a glare, "Just keep moving, outkast."

Ryou's eyes narrowed at her, before huffing. As much as he wanted to punch her, that wouldn't be a very good approach, and being kicked out of school doesn't sound very pleasing either. 

"But gosh darn! It would be such a shame if her pretty black locks were cut right off,"  Ryou thought as he thought of the scissors in his bag.

"Hey! Look out!" someone from the field shouted.

Before Ryou realized what had happened, Vivian was lying on the ground with a dazed look. A soccer ball was bouncing away from the scene as she lied on her back. Ryou gaped for a moment, before debating whether to ask if she was okay or not. After a few seconds, due to Ryou's caring nature, the young albino sighed and helped her up.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, looking at her with genuine concern.

It seemed that Vivian had gained a hold of herself rather quickly, because before Ryou knew it, he was shoved down onto the ground, roughly. 

"Don't touch me!" she yelled as she spat, "You disgusting piece of filth!"

Ryou raised a brow in confusion. Hadn't he been the one to help her up and check on her? And all for what? To be lying on the ground now?

The small pale boy had felt a small anger bubble up in his system, but he quickly let it go as he watched her stomp away with a reddened face.

"Well," he muttered, "So much for being helpful..."

He let out a small sigh as he stood back up and started to dust himself off. As he fixed his blue school jacket, he started to walk over to the soccer ball. With ease, he moved the ball with his foot. Then he looked back at the field. He gave a low growl, before moving his right leg back.

"Jocks," he said, "What a pain."

And with that, he kicked the ball, which flew up into the air and managed to land perfectly in the center of the team, who had all been watching him with interest. Their eyes popped out of their sockets as they watched the ball land gracefully in the middle of them.

Ryou wasn't a pro in soccer, but he also wasn't a rookie either. He was just that awkward middle. Just like the rest of his friends. They were just that awkward middle. The Outkasts. They were neither popular nor in the group of nerds and geeks. They were just an in between.

The young student smiled softly as he continued to hum the song that was in his head. He picked up his bag, which had been on the ground still, since Vivian had pushed him, and then he continued to walk on his way to the school gate. He decided that he had had enough of the popular kids, and he really just wanted to meet up with his friends, go home, figure out this annoying song, and then go to bed. Just like he usually did.

Unbeknownst to him, a pair of dark brown eyes were watching him like a vulture from afar. Watching him with a gaze of surprise and impression.

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