Good day, Prince Sennen!

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 A few weeks had gone by and it had already reached the middle of the first quarter. Yugi was grinning happily as he walked down the hallway. He had taken a look at his grades and was proud to say that he was academically excelling in all of his classes. With this knowledge in mind, the short male continued to walk down the hallway. His grin never leaving him. That is, until he was pulled aside roughly and slammed up against the wall.

"Sennen!" he heard the stranger yell at him.

Yugi visibly flinched as he opened his eyes to see Ushio holding him there against his will. The other held a devious smirk as he licked his lips.

"Did you really think you could leave without getting an ass kicking from me?" he growled out, "I told you I would make you pay!"

Yugi shrunk back as he stared at Ushio with wide eyes. The other had raised his fist, preparing to fling it right at Yugi, but before Yugi could even react, another voice seemed to have interrupted.

"Ushio," one of the guys said from behind him, "I don't think that's Sennen."

Ushio growled and looked at the male.

"What are you talking about?" he snarled.

"Well, look at him, sir," the other said with a huff, "His eyes are a lot more rounder and he looks softer as well."

Ushio growled and turned to look at Yugi, before pausing and also noticing this. Yugi could only stare back as he watched Ushio's "gears" turn in his head. That's when Ushio held a look of realization, and then began to smirk.

"So, you're one of them, huh?" Ushio said with a smirk.

Yugi's eyes narrowed at the emphasis on the word "them". He recognized the tone in which he said it in, and he did not appreciate it at all.

"I've always wanted to see what one of you outkasts tasted like," he said as he licked his lips.

Yugi froze, half in disgust and half in fear. The other had him pinned like a thumbtack to a wall, and he really had no where to run, considering how large the other three members of Ushio's gang were, but he really didn't feel like getting beaten in the middle of the hallway. He needed a distraction and fast, but where on earth would he get a distraction-

"Ushio! Drop him right now!" a voice growled out.

The boys all turned their heads to where the voice was, and there standing in all his glorious leather was none other than the devil himself. Yami Sennen.

"Well, that works," Yugi thought to himself.

Yugi smirked inwardly as Ushio's hold on his neck began to loosen, giving him the opportunity he needed. The smaller quickly moved himself from Ushio's grip, and kicked him away. Surprisingly, it was enough to knock Ushio down, giving him enough time to easily evade the gang. 

"I'm not that weak," Yugi thought to himself, cheekily as he ran from the group.

However, not paying attention, he ended up running straight into a warm and firm chest. Confused, Yugi tried to step back to see what he ran into. The hint word is "tried". Before he could even stand back, warm arms had already wrapped around his waist.

"Are you okay?" a deep baritone voice asked.

"Please let that be some god and not the person I think it is," Yugi thought as he dreaded glancing up.

As soon as Yugi looked up to meet his captor, he was met with sharp crimson eyes that seemed to stare into his soul with concern and some other emotion. All Yugi could hear was a strong inhale as the other stared down at him.

"I... I'm fine," Yugi said as he pulled away, this time successfully.

Yami nodded, before grabbing Yugi's wrist and pulling him behind him, initially standing in a protective stance in front of the other.

Ushio and his gang were glaring daggers at him as they watched the scene before them.

"Hey, give him to us," Ushio growled, "We had him first."

Yami rolled his eyes.

"He's not a toy, Ushio," he growled, "He does have feelings, but I don't think he's having feelings for you anytime soon."

Ushio growled and glared.

"Shut up, and just give him to us!" Ushio snapped angrily.

"You want him?" Yami smirked, "Come get him."

The gang had had enough as they lunged forward toward Yami. Before Yugi could even cut in to say anything, fists and kicks were flying everywhere. It wasn't even one minute, and Ushio was already lying on the floor knocked out from a rock solid punch to the face by Yami. Shocked, Yugi could only bite his tongue as he watched the scene lay out before him. The other gang members had tried to take a swing at Yami, but in the end, they ended up getting kicked out of the way. At one point, Yugi could have sworn he heard one of their jaws break, but he wasn't sure. He could only stand there and watch as Yami ruthlessly beat the ever living crap out of the gang.

Yami huffed as the final member of the gang dropped down unconscious. Then he turned and was met with the sight of a shocked Yugi. Concerned, he began to make his way over toward the smaller.

"Are you alright?" Yami asked as he placed a hand on the other's shoulder.

Yami's brows furrowed as he felt the other flinch under his touch.

"Don't worry," he assured, "I won't hurt you."

Yugi gulped and nodded before pulling away slowly.

"I... um... yeah," Yugi nodded quietly before looking away, "Um, thanks... for taking care of that."

Yami chuckled and smiled softly, causing Yugi to flush at the sight. He felt as though butterflies had migrated into his stomach and made themselves at home there.

"You really shouldn't be walking around here by yourself," Yami said, "I wouldn't want a little one like you getting hurt around here. How old are you anyway? Did you come here with an older sibling perhaps? Do you need to be dropped off at the middle school?"

Yugi paused. 

"This guy thinks I'm a middle schooler!" Yugi screamed in his head.

Before Yami knew what had happened, he was lying on the ground with his jaw aching. He stared up, shocked. He had indeed been punched in the face by the smaller, who looked just about ready to explode.

To say that Yugi was angry, was an understatement. The boy was down right furious! He had been in at least two of Yami's classes for the past three years, but this idiot had the gall to pretend not to know him at all!

"Jeez! You're such a jock! Why, why am I not even surprised! I'm seventeen for god's sake! I've been in at least three of your classes already!" he exclaimed with a red face, "And for your information, I could've handled myself! I did not need saving from a jock like you!"

Yami was shocked as he stared wide eyed up at the other, who huffed and glared down at him.

"Good day, Prince Sennen," Yugi snarled as he turned to leave.

"You know my name?" Yami asked quietly.

"Of course I know your name!" Yugi growled out, agitated, "Any fool would recognize you, you idiot!"

And with that, Yugi left said prince on the ground, who was completely shocked with what had just happened.

"Who... Who was that?" Yami asked to himself.

To be continued...

Gabby: Another chapter done!!! whooo!!!! I own nothing!

Yugi: I don't look that young... do I?

Yami: You don't look young, aibou. You look beautiful.

Yugi: *flushes red* Mou hitori no boku...

Yami: *smiles softly* aishiteru

Yugi: aishiteru *smiles and hugs Yami*

Gabby: Mushy.... CUTE!!!

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