After the Game

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Kit's POV

I was looking at Ming the whole time I told them what happened. This is not how I want him to know about my past. It wasn't easy for me. But I know I need to finish the whole story. I cannot read his expression and it is killing me inside. Phana saw I was having a hard time finishing the story for it really was traumatizing.

Phana: Kit was hospitalize for one month due to injuries that he obtained, physically and mentally. He was admitted at my family's hospital so we can monitor him 24/7  with security.
Forth: Security? What happened to that bastard?
Phana: We went to the area where Kit informed us where he'll be but only saw trail of blood but no sign of him. We searched the whole area and even saw the dark room. He was nowhere to be found. We had a theory that he had an accomplice who helped him escape.
Beam: We suspected that he must be the guy who were with Ice at the cafe on the day they kidnapped Kit. We also think that he has medical practices since he know how to handle depressants. Depressants require doctor's pre-scriptions in order to get one.
Wayo: Why didn't we heard what happened to Kit since we were all in the same highschool?
Beam: I asked my dad to be Kit's lawyer to sue the school's principal for accepting donations from unknown source and to sue the teachers for coordinating with the criminal in exchange for money. The school begged us not to file criminal charges for they were also fooled by the same person by using the company name of Ice' father. We had an agreement to keep this unknown to anyone and provide home schooling until Kit is physically and mentally prepared.
Phana: His injuries were healed in a week but he was really mentally damaged.
Wayo: What do you mean mentally damaged? 
Phana: Kitty didn't talk for almost a month. He is always spacing out and just looking at the window. He had nightmares every night that he is being strangled and always gasping for air. Thats why he had personal doctor and nurse to monitor him 24/7 to give him a shot to calm his nerves.
Forth: How did Kit's parents handled it after finding out what happened to him?
Phana: They went to the police and asked advise to Beam's dad to get a warrant of arrest but without enough proof, their hands are tied. So they asked for a restraining order instead that will be renewed by Beam's dad if he is not being caught yet.
Forth: How Kit's brother? Were you able to verify what realy happened?
Beam: We waited for Kit to be physically healed before telling us the truth. We called and told him what happened. He was mad. Real mad because Ice was lying and manipulated what really happened.

I was looking at Ming the whole time when Phana and Beam told what happened after saving me from captivity. His face is blank. I can feel his grip on my hands are getting tighter. I rest my head on his shoulder and asked him to talk to me. I cannot bear his silence. Phana and Beam continued the story.

Phana: It was a week after when his brother Kieng went home to visit Kit at the hospital and his parents at their own home.

Phana: It was a week after when his brother Kieng went home to visit Kit at the hospital and his parents at their own home

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FLASHBACK at the hospital:


Kieng: Singto is mentally ill prescribed by our school's psychiatrist. He had obsessive love disorder where the mentally ill thinks that his object of love is in a relationship with him when they are not. He sees his obsession as a form of love. He created the whole idea that we were in love with each other.

He started stalking me when I accidentally bumped into me in the school cafeteria. I started losing my school stuffs from pencil to paper to shoes to PE uniforms. I found my stuffs on his bag and confronted him and told him that he needs to stop because it is not funny. I told him that I will not sell him out to our principal. I thought he already stopped for I haven't seen him following me around.

However, after a week his stalking or his obsession is getting worse. I caught him in the red district and saw a guy with him that looks exactly like me. On the next day, I saw him that he is covered wih bruises. I asked him without thinking what happened to him and he said "I made love to you in an alley way but you were so rough but I love it." I was disgusted and decided never ever get close to him or get near him ever again.

On the next day, I saw him behind the school yard afther PE class and saw my school pants being urinated by him and he even jerked off thinking of me. I called our PE teacher as I am getting paranoid for what he is doing. I saw him pounced on the teacher and called him my name whem he raped him. I tried to stop him but someone hit me in the head and saw his brother with metal bar on his hand.

Someone saw them and called the security. He was suspended on that day and a restraining order was presented by my parents to his. I heard that his father beat him up because of it. His brother was not home when that happened for he was also part of the incident. The next day when his parents went out of town for their business and where his brother is home, he made sure that his little brother will see all the bruises and his suicide. He convinced his brother that I was the one who raped him. I was the one who gave him the bruises. I was the one who killed him. On the day of the funeral, his brother was shouting "Kieng raped my brother. He killed my brother."

To avoid further disaster and to protect us both from the scandal, our parents decided that I will live to our grandparent's place in province. I am sorry Kit. I should have been here to protect you. I am so sorry.


PRESENT at the restaurant:

Wayo: So both of them were mentally ill. 
Phana: Yes, Kit's parents decided that he will need to get in the same school with me so Beam and I can look after him. No incident happened ever since not until today if he is really the one stalking you right now.
Beam: How will we know if its him?
Phana: We really don't know how unless....
Forth: If we will use Kit to lure him out.
Beam: You gotta be kidding me. You want Kit to re-live that awful experience. You, Pha, from all people think its the only way. No! I won't allow it.
Wayo: Me too! Kit is too fragile right now. Telling us his past is like re-living it yhe horrors. I disagree to you Pha!
Phana: I didn't say we let him do it on his own. We will all be here. I want to catch that bastard and kill him in my own hands.
Forth: We will plan it out so there's no need to worry about.
Beam: No. No is a no.
Wayo: I agree with Beam. So stop being jerks.
Phana: We're not. We just need to lure him out from his shell so we can catct and end it as soon as possible. Ming, what do you think?

I am looking at Ming the whole time the others are arguing the best course of action. For me, I just want it to stop. I just need Ming to be with me and believe me that he is the one I love. Whatever he decides, I will trust his judgement.

Ming: My Kitkat, do you trust me?
Kit: Yes. **Ming looked at Pha.**
Ming: Lets kill this bastard.


This is getting exciting. I am so pumped for the next chapters!! Thanks for your continuous support! 💞💞💞💞💞

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