Finally 1

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Author's POV

Kit was asleep for 3 days and Ming is worried like crazy. He can't imagine a life without his Kitkat. The family confronted Kannika to determine the cause of his coma. She explained that there shouldn't be any since they all did the precautions. There's a possibility that it was a Postpartum depression (PPD) which is a type of mood disorder associated with childbirth.She also said that the cesarian operation was successful and there should be no complications. His husband, family and friends are scared for Kit. 

Ming: My Kitkat, why are you not waking up? Come back to me. Please. **He is holding his hand as if he is praying.**

No one can explain even the doctors the reason of him not waking up. Ming practically lives in the hospital room. He does not to leave him not for a second. Forth and Wayo tried to convince him to go back to Kit's room to sleep or to rest properly but he will always answered back that there's a sofa bed in the hospital room and he can order food anytime he wants as if he has an appetite to eat. 

Wayo: Ming, you have to rest properly. We can stay here with Kit. Look at your eye bags and your complexion.

Forth: Wayo's right. You're not eating properly either. You need to be healthy and strong. Not just for yourself, but also for your babies. When Kit's wake up, you need to look fresh and healthy. 

Ming: I know that but I cannot shake off the feeling that he is very far away. His physical body is here but his heart and soul seems to be trapped somewhere. I need to make him feel that it's ok to return to me and to our babies. 

Wayo: Just don't give up on him and to yourself. Make him feel that you love him even in his current state.

Ming: Thanks Wayo. Thanks Forth. Can you get me some clothes in my room? I do not want to leave his side not just for a second.

Forth: Sure, we'll buy you a dinner as well. So sleep for a while.

Ming: Thanks Forth. Here' the key for my room. I'll sleep in few minutes. 

Wayo: I won't leave unless I see you on that sofa bed. You need to gain your strength back. 

Ming: Fine, I'll sleep now. 

Ming slept the entire night for almost 12 hours for he had never got enough good sleep for the past two days. He woke up in the morning and saw Kit's mom preparing some food that Wayo and Forth bought yesterday and put it in the fridge. 

Ma: Morning Ming. Did you have a good sleep?

Ming: Yes ma. Sorry if I slept last night.

Ma: Why are you apologizing for? You know if........ My Kitty is awake, he will scold you for ignoring your well being. So I need you to have a proper rest, this is not a request but an order. OK?

Ming: Thanks Ma. I will. I will take a bath and eat breakfast with you. After that, lets bring the babies here.

Ming always bring the twins in the hospital room with the help of Kit's or his mom and sit at his side and always tell him that the babies are fine and so is he, and that there is nothing to worry so he can come back to them. Every time they bring the twins in the room, he placed the twin's small little hands on Kit's face so he can feel their warm presence waiting for him. He also kiss him every morning and every night since it always work when Kit wasn't in himself. Every time he kisses him, he will look after if there's any effect on Kit's condition and he is begging for just a single blink or signs that he can feel it. Ming was singing him a lullaby while he cradle one of the babies in his arm and the other one is on a crib provided by the hospital. His sister also check up on him to see if he's ok. 

Minerva: How are you holding up?

Ming: I'm fine. It's just that I don't understand why he is not waking up. 

Minerva: Don't you worry, I have the best doctors to look into his condition and I am also looking for coma specialists abroad. We'll find a way to wake him up.

Ming: What if medicine or science cannot wake him up? What if everything is supernatural or something?

Minerva: Are you really saying that now?

Ming: I don't know. It's just that everything went well and I was there when he woke up and saw the babies. Then, why isn't he waking up now? I am going crazy. I keep on thinking all the possibilities, scientific, supernaturals.. Did I do something wrong for him to suffer like this?

Minerva: Hey, calm down. Nothing good will happen if you think this way. And no, it's not your fault and you deserve to be happy. Just have faith in him and don't give up on him. Show him how much you love him. I am sure that he will come back for you and for the babies. You have to be strong for him and for the babies. 

Ming: Thanks sis. I will keep that in mind. 

Minerva: Mom says when Kit wakes up, lets all have a celebration with dad, Kit's family and your friends to the newly built resort near the beach. Dad also wants to talk to you, he is just shy and did not know what to say when he woke up last time. He also wants to meet Kit officially. 

Ming: That sound great. I'll inform the others.

Minerva: That's the spirit. I'll visit you and Kit again tomorrow once I am free from all the meetings.

Ming: You don't have to if you're busy.

Minerva: Hey! You're my brother and he's family. I'll be here tomorrow and I will bring your favorite chocolate tomorrow to boost your energy and spirit.

Ming: Thanks sis. You're the best. 

Every time he is alone with Kit, he always tell him the story on how he fell in love with him and how he courted him, and even the times he stalked him at his class. He tells all sorts of stories and he felt like Kit's is listening to him attentively.

Ming: It was summer, Wayo and I just graduated high school when we started visiting different universities where we will take entrance exams. You bumped into me and I was surprised how short you were. But when our eyes met, I can't stop myself from thinking that I want to know more about you and I ended up thinking that you're cute. I told myself that I need to get into the same university with you. I was heartbroken back then but that day when I heard you talk, my heart skips as if it started beating again for a total stranger. You gave me a reason to believe in love again. You brought the sunshine in my life. On that day, I knew that I wanted you. I needed you. I still need you. So please come back to me, my Kitkat. I can't live without you. I can't do this without you. Please wake up. Please come back to me and to the babies. 

He was holding his hands as he cried and called out Kit's name over and over again. Then suddenly, he felt that Kit squeezed back. He was surprised and he looked up and saw Kit smiling at him.

Kit: I remember that day. I remember you who is cocky but good looking. You also made my heart skip but I don't know how to interact with you which is why I was snob. I didn't expect that you will be the love of my life. **Ming was speechless and was shocked. He started rubbing his eyes and trying to convince himself that this is not a dream.**

Ming: My Kitkat, is it real? Did you wake up? Did you return to me?

Kit: Yes, MMs. I'm here. I came back for you and for the babies. I am sorry to make you wait. **Ming stood up and lean to kiss Kit on his lips and Kit kissed back.**

Ming: Thank you for coming back to me my Kitkat. 

Kit: Thank you for not giving up on me. I love you MMs.

Ming: I love you too my Kitkat. Forever. 


OMG! That gave me a heart attack! Don't scare us like Kit! Finally! Kit came back for Ming and their babies. Few more chapters to go. I just need to take a bath and have my dinner and drink lots of coffee tonight! Lezz do this. I hope you like this chapter. 

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