Chapter I: I'm No Doctor

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Hi! First off I'd like to give a shoutout to @ArtemisSnowC! Thank you so much for all your help!

Anyway, as you probably already know, this is an Earth 2 AU that will feature a kinda slow burn alternate Snowbarry. Among others things that I can't mention because spoilers. This story is set  towards the end of Season 2 and onward.

I've taken a few liberties with characterization and powers because the show never really expanded or explained much in that aspect. In this story, E2 Caitlin's powers are kinda like E1's with more of a 'Caitlin Frost' flair thrown in.

Hope you guys like it! I'll try and keep updates fairly regular. I feel like this chapter is maybe a bit cringy but hopefully it will improve as I write. :)


Barry's breaths were shallow and calm, the faint sound of knocks echoing off the metallic walls. He squinted his eyes, attempting to adjust to the dimly lit cavern. Briefly, he wondered how Zoom had managed to keep his sight given the lack of proper lighting and patchwork electricity.

Barry continued at a steady pace, gripping the syringe tightly. Two weeks ago, he never would've dreamed of doing something like this on his own. Two weeks ago, Barry would've been on the verge of a panic attack. His palms would've been sweaty and his heart would've been racing. But not today, today he was angry and maybe a little bit reckless. He was numb, not caring whether he lived or died. Because two weeks ago, he had lost everything. He should've known fleeing Central City wasn't going to work, there was no running from the fastest man alive. That, and Zoom had always been the type to hold a grudge. So naturally, when Barry and Iris had gone to live with his parents, the speedster had found them the next day.

He had killed all three right in front of Barry. His entire family, gone in a flash. He had left Barry alive, saying that he wasn't even worth the effort.

So here he was, standing in the middle of Zoom's lair with enough paralytic to kill a herd of Elephants. The breacher that helped him get there had acted like it was suicide, and they were probably right. But that was fine, Barry only had one intent goal. Either he was going to kill Zoom, or he was going to die trying. Probably the latter.

Barry pushed his glasses up, cautiously stepping over the broken glass that littered the floor. As he came closer, the knocking grew persistently louder. Barry felt his heart rate quicken, adrenaline flooding his system. However, as he approached, he didn't hear the sound of Zoom's gravely voice. Nor did he hear his menacing laughs or see his cobalt lightening. Instead, it was something quieter, subtler. The sound of someone's labored breaths entered Barry's ears.

When he turned the corner, the first thing he saw was the blood. There was so much blood, a large pool of it was spread across the floor and the center was a girl. She laid motionless, a mop of auburn hair covering her features. At first Barry wasn't sure who it was, but it clicked when he saw her blue jacket.

"Frost," Barry called, his voice echoing slightly.

He made his way across the room and knelt beside her. Barry's stomach flopped when he felt the warm, crimson liquid beneath his knees.

A pained noise escaped Frost's lips as she turned her head to face him. She looked different then she had before, her hair was no longer white, nor were her eyes an icy blue. She was still pale though, but Barry suspected that was because of the blood loss.

"Caitlin..." she spoke up, her voice horse. "You''re Barry, right?"

"Yeah, it's me," he answered quietly, instinctively placing a hand on her arm.

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