Chapter VI: Between The Sinners and The Saints

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Hi all! Sorry is been so long since I updated. Here we go!

Also, just to clarify, in this story Caitlin's powers and origins are quite different from E1 Caitlin's. One because this is a parallel universe, and two because this story was written/planned quite a while before some of the recent developments.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy. :D


NO," A furious scream ripped through Barry's throat,

Zoom laughed, the sound deep and guttural.

On impulse, Barry raised his rifle and aimed it directly at Zoom's head. He clamped down on the trigger, fully intending to empty the entire clip. However, their was a flash of black and a gust of wind. Suddenly, the pulse rifle was no longer in his hands, but on the ground several feet away. Zoom just stood there, acting as if it were the most casual thing in the world.

"You son of bitch," Barry grit out.

"Son of soldier, actually." Zoom corrected. "Dad never really came back from the war."

"You killed her," he yelled, tears clouding his vision.

"Twice. actually," he only shrugged. "Let's hope it sticks this time."

Barry leveled his gaze with the speedsters, his fists involuntarily clenching. He eyed the discarded rifle, wondering if there any way he could get to it in time.

"It won't hurt me," Zoom stated, as if he could read Barry's mind. "But this will," he added, a smile in his voice.

Zoom pulled a small object from one of his pockets and tossed it across the roof. Barry reached out and snatched it from the air, nearly dropping it in the process. His eyes widened as he stared down at the familiar syringe.

"You forgot something, didn't you." the speedster chimed. "Clever, I'll admit. That much paralytic might actually kill me."

"What is this?" Barry demanded, an uneasiness to his tone.

"A free shot," Zoom replied, calmly.

Suddenly, Zoom was only inches way, his black eyes staring into Barry's. The scientist's arm was now outstretched, the needle pressed against his exposed throat. Barry jumped back a little at the sudden movement, but Zoom caught his arm, holding it in place.

"Go ahead, Barry," Zoom challenged, "Kill me."

Barry drew on a few unsteady breaths, thoughts racing through his mind. His gaze shifted to the speedsters neck, his grip tightening around the syringe. He wanted to, he wanted to so badly. He wanted nothing more that to stab the needle into him, to watch his body go rigid and the life drain from his eyes.

"KILL ME," Zoom screeched, but Barry barely registered it. He was too caught up in his own mind, his own internal battle.

A part of him just wanted to do, to end the demonic speedster's life. But another part of him screamed that this was wrong and that this was a trick of some kind. It didn't make any sense. However, Barry wasn't sure he care even if it was, Zoom had taken everything from him. His wife, his family...even Caitlin. He wanted him dead, he wanted to make him suffer like he had made Barry suffer.
He dug the needle deeper into Zoom's neck, leveling his gaze.

Then suddenly, a black clad fist thrust through Zoom's chest. Barry jumped back in shock, the syringe slipping from his grasp and shattering on the concrete roof.  Zoom fell to the ground only to reveal, well...Zoom.

Barry looked down at the dead speedster, his body seeming to evaporate. Zoom let out a thunderous laugh.

"So close, Barry," Zoom taunted, "So close to becoming like me."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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