Chapter III: Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

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Here we go again! Yay! Big things happening in this chapter. It's a little lighter and more humorous but I assure you it won't last long mwhahaha.

Also, just a fair warning. There will be some foreshadowing in this story. Like there isn't a ton in this chapter specifically, but there has been some in the previous chapters. So just a heads up. ;)


Traffic flowed steadily across the nearby highway, the sound of beeping filling the air. The pair kept a steady pace beside each other, their breath nearly visible in the early autumn environment.

"And you're sure it's working?" Caitlin said quietly, leaning over to look down at the meta-watch on his wrist.

"Yes," Barry spoke, his tone defensive yet somehow calm.

Caitlin leaned back, putting her hands up slightly in surrender.

"Mostly," he added, less sure this time.

Caitlin almost wanted to give him a wry smile, but she fought the urge. Instead, she opted to wrap her jacket tighter around herself, a cold breeze sweeping over the area.

"We use them at the Department all the time," Barry explained, gaze shifting to her. "All I did was re-calibrate it. Any meta that has the power to open a breach is going to have a very specific energy signature."

"And it's clearly picked up something," he added, gesturing to the watch. "The faster it beeps, the stronger the signature, the closer we are."

Caitlin gave a small nod, inhaling deeply. They had been searching for a better part of the day, and had come up with nothing so far.

She turned her attention to their surroundings. They were going deeper into the city, housing developments were becoming sparse and giving way to a more industrial scenery. Briefly, Caitlin noted the sun had begun it's steady decent towards the horizon. The light was becoming golden and the shadows were getting long. In short, it was late. Curfew would take effect in a little over an hour, and neither of them wanted to be out after dark. Barry especially. Caitlin knew she would probably be alright, but she still didn't want to risk awakening her powers just yet.

As the two approached the cluster of buildings, the steady beat of the watch quickened. Barry looked up, eyes scouring the structures in front of him. He held out his wrist out, testing to see which direction the signal was strongest. He shared a look with Caitlin, his expression hopeful.

They kept walking, the beeping growing faster with every step. Their search eventually led them straight to a large, two-story motel. It was tucked away in a more secluded part of the area, easy to find, yet hard to really notice.

The signal soon reached its peak as they approached door 52 of the second level. The watch was now beeping at it's fastest, the screen displaying a confirmation that it had in fact detected a meta. Barry shut it off, wearing a small, triumphant smile. Caitlin couldn't help but mirror the gesture.

"Now what," she inquired, shifting on her feet. "I mean how do we convince whoever this is to help us break into the hideout of Central City's most feared serial killer?"

Barry's expression fell a bit. When she put it like that, it didn't seem like a very tempting offer.

"We start by knocking?" Barry shrugged sheepishly.

She gave him an incredulous look.

"Do you have a better idea?" Barry replied, a little exasperated.

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