Chapter II: To Turn A New Leaf

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Chapter 2 here we go! It's not super long, but it's longer than the last one. A bit of characterization, bonding, and setting up some plot. Hope you guys enjoy. :D

Her steps echoed softly as she walked, cold radiating off of her. The golden glow of lamps illuminated the empty streets, casting shadows all along the pavement. It was long past city curfew now and only the distant wail of sirens could be heard.

Killer Frost knew she shouldn't feel the way she did. After all, she was alive and free, with a good night's sleep and a clean bill of health. Normally, if Ronnie had been around they would've celebrated, maybe caused a little chaos.

Now the mere thought made Frost feel a bit ashamed. She hated it. She didn't want to care, she didn't want to feel. But something had been awakened within her, something she had tried so hard to snuff out. It was the softer side of her, the one that didn't mind the name Caitlin. The one that had wanted to help people, once upon a time. Try as she might, she couldn't get that side of her in check.

Frost continued her solitary walk for several more minutes, lost in thought. Her eyes stayed fixed on the ground and her arms wrapped loosely around herself. For the first time in a long time, she didn't know what to do. She didn't know what she wanted. Frost was soon torn from her thoughts by the shrill sound of a yell. She perked up at that, her senses going into high alert.

She quickly realized it wasn't a threat, it was a cry for help, a plea for mercy. One that was rewarded by a loud smack and a warning to be quiet. The icy meta-human doubled back a ways, peering into a dark ally across the street.

There was someone standing above a fallen woman, demanding the contents of her purse. It was a simple mugging, an incredibly common occurrence in Central City. She had seen it happen a hundred times. A part of Frost wanted to brush it off, it wasn't her problem. The world had never cared about her or the tragedies it had sent her way, so why should she care about a basic robbery? Besides, she had already spared Allen's life, she told herself that was enough good deeds for one day.

However, in the end it wasn't that easy. There was another part of her that screamed in protest. A part of her that didn't want to be a killer anymore, a part of her that knew she could do something to help.

Then the mugger pulled a gun, deciding his victim wasn't worth the trouble anymore. Frost felt an uncharacteristic amount of panic and anger as he leveled the barrel with the woman's head. She stood there a few instants longer, a war raging within her. The woman shrunk further in on herself, bracing for the inevitable. Mere seconds later, the sound of a gunshot resonated through the empty streets.

The woman opened her eyes slowly, the bullet imbedded in the wall just inches from her head. Frost grasped the barrel firmly, white eyes boring into the criminal's. The metal of the gun creaked and groaned as her ice spread through it. The mugger let go and backed away, eyes alit with fear. Frost slammed the gun against the alley wall, the metal shattering on impact. She then let out a burst of frost and sent him tumbling back several feet.

Briefly, she thought to form a icicle and finish him, but the urge flickered away as soon as it came. She was tired of it all, tired of loosing her rage and sadness on the world and everyone in it. Instead, Frost slowly picked up the purse and handed it back to its rightful owner. The woman regarded her with fear and apprehension, but took the purse nonetheless. She got to her feet and mumbled a shaky "thank you."

Frost nodded wordlessly, weary of the new feelings surfacing within her. The woman made her way across the street and soon disappeared into one of the houses. The meta-human leaned against the alley wall, contemplating what had transpired. It felt...different to help instead of hurt.

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