Chapter 14

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Irina Shayk as Ivan's sister Anastasia Levenski

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Irina Shayk as Ivan's sister Anastasia Levenski

Ivan's POV

Everything was happening so fast. One minute I was a player with a different girl every night, the next I'm a committed fiancee with a girl I met a week ago. I knew already that I loved Sofia and would love her forever but marriage for a man like me is a big step.

I walked out on Sofia, I reget doing it and I shouldn't  have done it but with everythung happening I needed some head space. Mum kept calling me to see where I was but I couldn't be doing with the lecture, so I went home just so I could be by myself and my thoughts. Sofia's face kept relaying on my mind, her sweet innocent face looked at me in disbelief as I left her. Why didn't I stay with her?

When I got home I just collapsed on the sofa. I knew I was going to marry her just the shock of being told it was in a month was what got me, six months would have been fine but one month just seemed to soon.

I took a bottle of whiskey from the table beside me and  began to drink my sorrows away. I was one of the luckiest men alive to be marrying her, I knew I was, but in true style I fuck things up.

After a bottle of whiskey I was fucked myself, I collapsed on the sofa then I came in and that was where I stayed till the morning.

I woke up to the sound of a plate smashing, people shouting came after it. I got up and walked to the kitchen, I was still dressed in my suit from last night and my head knew whiskey was the main course of last night. The shouting stoped when I walked in the kitchen, the maids were clearing up the mess and my dad and sister were at each others throats.

When did she get back here?

"Ivan what happened to you last night?" I should have  stayed on the sofa, now all mum is going to do is pester me until I crack. "I was in shock and needed time to think."

"Well you better not have ruined your engagement, I need at least one of my children to get married, this one keeps running away from her fiancee's. What is it five now Ana?" My sister was notorious for leaving her partners. My father would set up engagements between her and who ever she wanted to marry, only for her to leave them after three months.

"I told you he wasn't good enough for me, he never paid me any attention and if he did he was so boring." All the men my sister went with were rich, famous or part of other crime families, so when she left them my dad would have  to pick up all the pieces. "The man you just left is one of my allies, do you even know the implications this could have on us." My mum pulled dad out of the room, when he lost his temper no one could stop him only mum.

Ana waltzed back to the table like nothing had happened. "Can you not take  responsibility for anything you do?" She just shrugged at me and carried on eating her breakfast, I got a strong coffee and sat down beside her. "Have you checked your phone?"


"Your phone, a women rang it last night but when I answered and spoke she hung up." Oh God, I bet it was Sofia. What is she going to be thinking? I need to go and explain to her. I downed my coffee and ran to get changed. Sofia's mind over thinks some times, so when a women answers my phone after I walked out her, she probably thinks I've had sex with half of new york.

I grabbed my keys and drove as fast as I could to her house. I ran to the front door hoping and praying she would still see me, Rita answered to me. "Well the lost boy returns, what happened to you last night?" I have no time for this old women.

"Where is sofia?".

"Still in her room, why?"

I didn't answer her, I just ran straight to her room. I knocked on her door but there was no answer, "Sofia I know what your thinking but it's not what you think."

Damn Ana, why did she have to answer my phone.

I opened her door and walked in. The room was pitch black, her curtains were still drawn shut, I looked around to see if she had gotten up. The give away was when I heard sniffling coming from her bed. A moutain of used tissues piled up on her bed side table, she had been crying all night by the looks of it.

"Baby, just let me explain to you." I curled on her bed beside her wrapping my arm around her. I could tell she was weak but if she wanted to fight me she still would have. "You told me you loved me but you left me."

She was hard to understand through her crocky voice and her sniffling. I pulled her into me, I never want to make her feel like this again, seeing her like it broke me inside.
"I'm sorry I left, I should never have done that to you because I do love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"But you was with a women last night and she said you was busy..." If a women means a bottle of whiskey then yeah I was.

"My sister answered my phone last night, when I got home I collapsed on the sofa and stayed there until this morning. I would never cheat on you, I couldn't physically do it to you." She turned round to look at me,"I didn't know you had a sister." Not many people do, she's always off with different men.

"Yeah, she's 24 but she's a lot of trouble." She shuffled closer to me, I could see her eyes here red and puffy, she must really love me too to have gotten so upset about Anastasia. "Do you still want to get married because the wedding can wait if not." I kissed her lips to stop her from talking. Weddings and engagements is all I've been hearing for the past week, I just wanted a moment with her without talking about it.

She laid in my arms for an hour dozing off now and again. I took her hand and rubbed her ring finger, "What's the matter?"

"We're going to have to go shopping today."

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