Chapter 15

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Pietro's POV

"Have you heard anymore of the Bianchi girl." I was visiting my father in prison, it had been 4 days since my incident with Sofia and I was still wearing my black eye to prove it. "No, word on the inside says she has officially gotten engaged to Levenski. Getting closer to her will be hard now."

Dad started to get angry, I felt like I had let him down, his only son wasn't able to get revenge for him. "You useless boy, how could you let this happen!"

"Dad, I'm sorry I can try..."

"Try what? To fix, you bet your life your going to fix this." I thought things were going well with Sofia but coming on to her just pushed her away, "you better get down to the warehouse and sort out the men since your not capable killing one women".

I didn't need more men I could sort this out myself.

"I will sort this father, I promise you". He got up and left the visiting area without saying a word or looking at me, I have my work cut out to prove I am worthy of taking over as leader of the Bosselli family.

I left the prison and went to the warehouse, I needed to get my inside man to get some information for me.

"Jason, I need you to track down Sofia."

Sofia's POV

Ivan explained everything to me. Me and my stupid mind completely over reacted about it last night after hearing his sister on the phone.
We were heading into New York to do some shopping and to meet his mum and sister for lunch. He had planned a surprise for me and as much as I nagged at him he would not tell me. 

"Are you ready for your suprise now?" We had been walking around for about two hours now, my surprise was long over due. "I figuered we're getting married in one month so I need to officially make you my fiancee." I looked around to see any clues, I couldn't see anything which had anything to do with marriage. Ivan turned me around and pointed to the Tiffany&Co across the road.

"Are you serious?" I couldn't contain my excitement any longer, I jumped into his arms and begain to kiss him. "Only the best for you baby." We crossed to road and entered the shop,  I had never seen so many diamonds in one place. Everywhere I looked diamonds sparkled at me.

"Good afternoon Mr Levenski, this must be your fiancee." We was greated by an older gentleman, I noticed the shop floor was empty, the only people who occupied it was us and the employee's. "Why is there nobody else here?" I whispered under my voice to Ivan. "You are going to have everybody's undivided attention, you don't want to have to struggle through other customers." The man must be insane, he's hired the shop floor for the day.

"Take as long as you want Miss Bianchi." The manager showed us round all the cases containing rings, there was so many to choose from I didn't  know how I was going to decide. We started to look at the last rings and I made up my mind instantly, I had found the perfect ring.

 We started to look at the last rings and I made up my mind instantly, I had found the perfect ring

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"This is the one!" I was so happy, I couldn't wait to try it on. After trying it I still wanted it, no ring in the shop could compare to this one in my opinion.
"Are you sure it's this one you want?" I nodded at him knowing I wasn't going to change my mind. "Right, will take this one please."
The manager packaged the ring up and put it in a little bag, I went to get it once Ivan had paid for it but I was to slow. "Just because you've picked it doesn't mean your getting it yet, I want to do this properly."

Ivan can be so sweet sometimes but at this moment in time I just wanted to wear my ring and show it off to the world. I didn't question him though knowing it would be a waste of time anyway.

We left the shop and made our way to meet Natasha and Ivan's sister for lunch. "Where are we going again?" I questioned

"Some Chinese resturant in China town, it's one of mum's favourites I've been there a couple of times but I know you'll like it." If it's good enough for Natasha it's good enough for me.

The restaurant was busy, waitors were rushing from table to table trying to keep everyone happy. "Ivan we're over here." Natasha was sat in the far back of the resturant, it was a lot more quiet and calm with soft oriental music playing in the background. "How are you my darling?" Natasha took me into her embrace and kissed both my cheeks. "And there's my little man, I hope you have spoiled her today."
I tried to hold back my laugh but failed miserably, Ivan just tried to brush it off and sat his mum back down.

"You must be the mystery women on the phone last night." I looked over to Ivan's sister, she was beautiful. Beauty must run in the family, well maybe not in Dimitri's side, he was scary looking.

"Yeah sorry, I'm Sofia and you are?"


The meal went without a hitch, I got on surprisingly well with Ana considering her history. We showed them both the ring which they both approved of it thank God.

We all left the restaurant, Natasha had a car waiting for her, Ana was supposed to go with her but decided to come with me and Ivan instead. We were sat in Ivan's car on our way to my house.
"Do you have a brother called Giovanni Sofia?"

"Yes why?"

"No reason, I just know somebody with the same surname as you."
Bit weird but okay I guess. We arrived at my house an hour later, nonna greeted us at the door, "no ring?"

"Come in the kitchem and I'll show you, Mr Stubborn over here won't let me wear it until he asks me properly."
Nonna went and hugged Ivan, a sight I never thought I would see.
"Your a good boy for not giving into her, a proper gentleman." Ivan was in shock, him and nonna had do nothing but bicker since they met.

We all went into the kitchen, everyone was in there. Aurora and mum ran over to mum and snatched my hand, "where's the ring?" Mum looked confused and disappointed.

"Ivan is being a good boy and doing it properly." Nonna is definitely team Ivan now. "Don't be silly boy ask her now."
Dad was always to the point where as my nonna was a romantic, "no he'll ask her properly."
Nonna snapped back. Everyone started to argue amongst each other as to what Ivan should do, "right come with me we're going to end this now." Ivan took my hand and walked out the patio door slamming them behind us.

He went down on one knee in front of me. "Sofia, will you become my wife in one month?"

"Of course I will."

He got up and put the ring on my finger. It may have not been the perfect moment but I wouldn't change it. We stood outside for a minute, just me and him holding each other in an embrace. "It's gone quiet." I said.
We looked over to the doors to see everyone staring at us. I lifted my hand up to show them all the ring.

I didn't know what they were saying from inside but when I saw the champagne open I knew it was good.

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