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I've never even thought much about moving to the extremely small town of Forks. I just assumed I would end up like everyone else there, meaning cold and boring.

Don't get me wrong I love the cold and it's always been a dream of mine to move to Canada. I can't explain why but I just know that's the place I one day want to be.

When I was forced to begin packing for the move it got me to think about my future. Meaning one day being stuck just like my mother was. I was never known as the boring twin between Bella and I, I was always the fun one.

I walked outside towards the car and handed Phil my suitcase and he put it in the car. I walked toward my mother and Bella and she kissed us goodbye. "Come on." Phil called for us.
Phil's our mother's new husband.

"Come on guys I love you three but we have a plane to catch." Phil said and a sigh escaped my lips.

I wasn't ready to leave. I wasn't ready to begin my new life as a Forks nobody. For a simple life.
Bella and I are silently sitting on the plane when I turn to her. "You okay Bells?" I asked. Something seems to be bothering her. She may be quiet around others but never towards me.

"Yeah I'm uh just a little nervous to see dad and all. I still feel kinda bad for not visiting with you last Christmas." She explained.

"Bells seriously you didn't miss much just Dad and Billy watching the game and Jake and I catching up." I reassured her and she nodded in response.

After the plane ride Charlie picked us up and drove us to the house.
Population of Forks: 3,120 people. This was our new home, this was our new life.
I sat in the back of the police car observing Charlie and Bella's interaction.
Charlie turns to Bella and says, "Your hair's longer."

"I've cut it since the last time I saw you." Bella responded making the tension between the two even thicker.

"So Dad, How's Billy." I asked breaking the silence. "He's doing great and his boy Jacob keeps asking about you Zo." Charlie said and I smiled.

Jacob was the type of boy that any girl would be lucky to have. He's a great guy and he just so happens to be my best friend.

"You're not dating him are you?" Charlie asked and I cringed. "Ew no dad he's practically my brother." I said as a smile spread across his lips.

When we got to the house Charlie grabbed are bags and led us upstairs. "I cleared some shelves for you two in the bathroom." Charlie said leading us through the small hallway.
"Oh right one bathroom." Bella said with a sigh. Charlie walks Bella to her bedroom as I just go straight to mine.

I began to unpack when I heard a horn beep outside. I peak out my window to see that Billy and Jake just arrived in a red truck. I quickly made my way down the stairs and outside.
"Jacob freaking Black." I yelled as I ran to him immediately hugging him.
"Zoe freaking Swan." He yelled back as he hugged me.

After we left each other's brace I turned to Bella who stood beside me. "Bella this is-." I went to say but she cut me off and they began a flirty conversation of their own and can I say the look on Jake's face showed that Bella seemed to already have him wrapped around her finger and the look on her face showed that she didn't even know. 

"So what do you think." Charlie said while walking toward us with Billy in tow. "Of what?" Bella and I asked at the same time. "Your home coming present." He said gesturing toward the red truck.

"This." Bella said unsure. "Just bought it off Billy here." Charlie said. Jake looks at Bella with a flirty smile and explained stuff about the car. I can kinda careless about this pile of junk so..
"I'm gonna finish getting ready for school." I call to Charlie while walking into the house.

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