What am I?

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Have you ever had this feeling that everyone is keeping a secret from you? Just having that feeling that there's something different about you that everyone else seems to know about. This may sound dreadful but my guess is that I'm dying maybe Alice saw my future or something.
But then again it doesn't explain why the Cullen's seem more comfortable in my presents then Bella's. The first day Edward met Bella he left school for over a week, the first day I met Emmett we were fast friends.
When Jasper is around Bella it looks like he's holding his breath yet when he's around me he almost lets a breath out in relief.
As I'm in deep thought sitting at my desk I didn't even see Emmett come through the window.
"What are you thinking about." He says and I practically jumped from my chair. I placed my hand on my heart and turned towards him. "You scared the hell out of me Em." I said and he chuckled.
"What's on your mind Zo." He asked and I sighed. "Edward didn't tell you?" I asked sarcastically.
"I know your entire family is lying to me and I don't like it. I honestly thought we were past the lying." I said with a sigh.
"We're past it." Emmett said lying. "Emmett tell me the truth am I going to die?" I asked and a confused look took over his face.
"No. Why would you think you're dying?" He asked. "I don't maybe because you're lying." I said and he sighed.
"Technically I didn't lie I withheld the truth." He said. "I really feel the need to smack you." I said with anger.
"You are different; special. Somewhere far back in your bloodline there was wolves." He explained.
"Like the Reservations Legends?" I asked.
"There not legends." He said and I almost gasped. "So freaking wolves are real too that great." I said sarcastically.
"Inside of you is a dorm it wolf so your blood isn't entirely human." He explained.
"I knew it!" I said jumping up from my chair. "No you thought you were dying." He said with a chuckle.
"I knew that there was a different reaction between you and Edward when you met us." I said in a matter a factly tone.
"So what am I?" I asked and he sighed. "Carlisle has no idea, he would have to ask the Alpha of the Quilete." Emmett said and I smirked.
"I'll do it." I said looking around for my shoes. "No way I can't protect you over there." Emmett said stopping me.
"They won't hurt me I'm one of the them..kinda..maybe." I said trying to push past him. "Wait." I said and he let out a breath in relief.
"What's the alpha's name?" I asked. "It's the Uley Pack." He said and I smiled.
"Drive me to the Diner?" I asked and he sighed following me to his car.
I dragged Bella away from Dinner with Charlie saying I was having 'girl problems' and forced her to start driving towards the Rez.
"There's something wrong with me and there gonna tell me what it is." I explained to her. "When we get there go straight to Billy's and go talk to Jake say you just stopped in to say hey I'll come get you when I'm done." I said and she nodded.
When we got to Billy's Bella went straight to the door as I followed behind her. She created Billy before going to Jake's room.
"What's up Zoe?" Billy asked rolling towards me. "I'm looking for Uley." I said and his eyes widened. "What do you need with him?" Billy asked.
"I need answers." I said. "And what makes you think he has them?" Billy asked.
"The Cullen's said he does, they said he's an alpha." I explained and he nodded.
"We've been waiting for you. It wasn't our place to tell you since you're mated to a Cullen but nether the less we're happy your here." Billy says as he writes on a paper.
"Down a few houses is where he lives." He said handing me a paper with an address.
"Thank you Billy." I said before leaving the house and following the address.
I came to a small house it look cozy. I walked up to the door and lifted my hand to knock but the door was opened by a very large tan man.
"Uley?" I asked and he nodded. "Come on in Zoe we've been expecting you." He said and I cracked a smile.
"Way to make it creepy." I said following him into a kitchen. "So alpha guy what's your name?" I asked and the man smiled.
"I'm Sam." He introduced. "Samuel got it." I said ignoring his look.
"Let's cut to the chase Samuel there's something wrong with me and you happen to know what it is." I said and he shook his head.
"Let's get this straight first there is nothing wrong with you okay." He said and I shrugged.
"Different opinions but continue." I said and he rolled his eyes. "You are a dorm it wolf inside of a human and to awaken your abilities you need to be bit by a vampire and if you are bit by one you will become the ultimate tribrid." He explained.
"Vampire, Werewolf and.." I said stuck. "Human there will be a piece of you that's human so you can procreate with your mate passing the gene of a doormat wolf along." He said as my head began to pound.
"If you get bit or not your in the pack if you need anything don't hesitate to come here okay?" He said in a fatherly tone.
"Yeah okay." I said standing up and walking towards the door.
"Hey Samuel." I called out as I opened the door. "Thank you." I breathed out and he nodded.
When I walked back to Billy's I saw the truck was gone and Jake explained that a friend was gonna pick me up at the border line so he drove me there. When I got there I saw the most annoying car in the freaking world. His volvo.
"Thanks Jake." I said as I got out of the car and into the volvo.
"Why are you here?" I asked him with a sigh. "I heard your thoughts and I know you'd rather me not share them if Emmett so I wanted to talk." He said.
"So let me get this straight you heard my thoughts and wanna give me some feedback." I said sarcastically.
"Zoe there's nothing wrong with you. You're just a little different." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Coming from the weird vampire thanks." I said and he sighed.
"I mean it were all different but that doesn't mean there's something wrong with you." He said.
"Just remember in Emmett's eyes, our families and, even the Uley pack there's nothing wrong with you." He said coming to a slow stop in front of my house.
"Thank you Edweirdo I'll keep your nagging in mind." I said causing him to smile.
"See you later while you stare at my sister sleeping." I said leaving the car.

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