Vampire Baseball

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Emmett and Edward were explaining to us why vampire's need a storm to play baseball. Esme walks over and links arms with Bella and I pulling us away from the boys.
"Glad you two are here we need umpires." She said. Emmett walks over and kisses my cheek. "She thinks we cheat." He says smirking.
"I know you cheat." She says and I smile at their family banter. "Call them as you seem them girls.' Esme says as she squats into catcher's position.
Rosalie hits the ball and it looks like it's gonna be a home run but Edward throws home and Bella calls her out and she walks away pissed.
Carlisle is up next and he hits it in between Emmett and Edward and the both run to get it bumping into each other making Bella and I laugh.
Jasper is up next and hits the ball to Emmett and he climbs up a tree to get it. "My monkey man." I said with a smirk making him smirk back.
When Rosalie is up again Alice gets a vision and stops the game. Edward reading her mind runs up to Bella and I and everyone else follows. Emmett pushes me behind him as I keep a tight hold on his side.
Three people emerge from the woods toward us. "I believe this belongs to you." The man in the middle says throwing the ball to Carlisle. "Thank you." Carlisle says.
"I'm Laurent and this is Victoria and James." Laurent introduced as James tilted his head staring at me as I tightened my grip on Emmett's side.
"I'm Carlisle and this is my family." He introduced. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused quite the mess for us." Carlisle spoke.
"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent said. "We maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle informed.
"We won't be a problem anymore we were just passing through." Laurent said as my focus moved to Emmett and James' intense stare off.
"The humans were tracking us but we led them east you should be safe." The woman spoke up. "Excellent." Carlisle spoke with such grace.
"So could you use three more players?" Laurent asked. "Sure a few of us were just leaving you could take there spots. We'll bat first." Carlisle said.
"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball." Victoria said with a smirk. "Well I think we can handle it." Ian said with an arm on Jasper's shoulder.
They all walk away but James seems to be fascinated with me that is until the wind blows and Bella's scent is blown his way.
"You brought snacks." James said stalking towards me as I push Bella behind me. Emmett pushed me towards Edward and he caught me before I hit the floor. He then gets in James face as they start growling at each other like dogs.
"The girls are with us I think it's best if you leave." Carlisle says. "I can see the game is over now we'll go now." Laurent says slowly backing up.
When they finally leave Emmett grabs me pulling me towards the car Edward the same with Bella. "What now he's coming after us?" Bella asked.
"No. He's coming after Zoe." Edward said. "Why me?" I asked watching Emmett clench the steering wheel.
"Your scent it's human but it's still different. He like different." Edward explained and I cringed. "Listen to me James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession I read his mind, Emmett's reaction set him off. You just made this his most exciting game ever. He's never going to stop." Edward said and I sighed.
"What should we do?" Bella asks. "We have to kill him." Emmett said as I grabbed his hand lacing our fingers.
"Rip him apart and burn him to pieces." Edward said. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"Away from Forks we'll get a ferry to Vancouver." Edward said and I shook my head. "What about our dad." I asked. "There's no time." Edward said.
"Listen to me Edweirdo we have to go home now Charlie's there." I said and he sighed. Emmett continued speeding this time toward our house and I start to think of how I am suppose to break Charlie's heart.

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