Near Death Experiences

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Bella and I met up at the entrance of the school and started walking towards the truck. When we were beside the truck that's when we neared death. Tyler lost control of his vehicle and was heading straight towards Bella and I.
I reacted a few seconds early and pushed Bella behind me before preparing to take the harder of the hit, but it never came. There was two hands pushing against the truck and I looked to see Emmett and Edward on either side of me.
"What the hell." I managed to stutter out. Edward went behind me and helped Bella up from the ground as Emmett did the same with me before walking away like it never happened. But it did happen whatever it was they did it wasn't normal, it wasn't human.
Before I knew it Bella and I were in a hospital room waiting for Charlie to arrive. "Bella, Zoe. Are you okay?" Charlie walked in a panic. He turned and pointed towards Tyler. "You and I are gonna talk."
"You alright?" He asked again walking closer to us. "We're fine." Bella and I said in sync. "Dad calm down." Bella said to Charlie.
"I'm sorry guys I tried to stop." Tyler said opening the curtain. "I know. It's okay." I told him getting a glare from Charlie.
"No it sure the hell is not okay." Charlie said raising his voice. "Dad it wasn't his fault." Bella said with a sigh.
"You both could've been killed. Do you understand that?" Charlie says signing. "But we weren't." I said with a hopeful smile.
Charlie just turns around to face Tyler. "You can kiss your licence goodbye." He told the boy.
An extremely attractive doctor makes his way into the room. When our eyes meet, Emmett comes to mind. There eyes are almost identical.
"I heard the chiefs daughter's were here". The doctor says turning to Charlie. "Doctor Cullen." Charlie addressed the man. If all the Cullen kids were adopted then why are Emmett's and Dr. Cullen's eyes identical in color.
"Isabella and Zoe." Dr. Cullen read from the clipboard. "Just Bella." Bella said and he nodded.
"Well it looks like you girls took quite a spill. How do you feel?" He asked us. "Perfectly fine." I answered and Bella nodded.
"Both your vitals look good, no sign of head trauma. I think you both will be just fine." Doctor Cullen said with a friendly smile.
"I am so sorry guys, I'm really-" Tyler says but Charlie shuts the curtain. "You know it would of been a lot worse if-" I started to say but Bella cut me off.
"Edward and Emmett weren't there", Bella continued. "They knocked us out of the way." I finished.
"Edward, Emmett?" Charlie questioned. "Your boys?" He continued.
"Yeah it was amazing." Bella said. "What she means is they got there so fast." I said looking to the man confused.
His face immediately fell. "Sounds like you two were very lucky." Dr. Cullen said before releasing us.
While Charlie went to sign the papers Bella and I started walking towards the exit. We saw Rosalie holding Ian's hand beside Dr. Cullen while she quietly scolded Emmett and Edward. There far enough away that Bella and I could of gotten out unnoticed but Bella decided to creep around the corner making them all look at us.
"Smooth Bella, real smooth." I said sarcastically ignoring her glare. "Can I talk to you?" Bella asks Edward ignoring my questionable look.
"Yeah leave me to talk to the weirdo." I said as she walked down the hallway with him. Rosalie, Ian, and Carlisle left Emmett and I who just intensely stared at each other.
I decided to be an asshole and walk towards him but instead of stopping beside him I kept walking down the hallway taking a seat on a bench. Emmett who was totally confused by my actions just smiled and followed me, taking the seat beside me.
"What you did was reckless." He said bluntly. "It was selfless, and brave but it was reckless." He said and I sighed.
"She's my baby sister. I'd do it again if I could." I simply said. "Don't think I'm not on to you." I said and he looked confused.
"Superspeed, Weird eyes, overly pale, and again you and Edward were no where near us." I said and he just sighed.
"It was an Adren-" He went to say but I cut him off.
"And if you dare try and feed me some bs about it being an adrenaline rush I'll kick your ass all the way back to Alaska. Got it?" I said and he began smirking with a small nod.

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