Dates and Mates

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I was walking down the stairs towards the kitchen when I hear Bella talking to Charlie about her date with Edward.
"Yeah dad Bella has her eyes locked on Edweirdo." I said and she glared. "Shut up Zoe." She spat and I stuck my young out at her.
"He's a little old for you isn't he." Charlie said looking at her. "Well-" I went to say but Bella cut me off.
"He's a junior, and we're juniors." Bella said. "I thought you liked the Cullen's." I said and he shrugged.
"I thought you two didn't like any boys in town." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Edward doesn't technically live in town." Bella said and I laughed.
"Zoe is dating Emmett." Bella said causing me to glare. "Wait Zoe has a boyfriend too." Charlie said clearly confused.
"They're outside." Bella said and I glared. "They are?" Charlie and I together.
"Yeah they wanted to meet you like officially." Bella said and I just kept shaking my head no. "Alright bring them in." Charlie said as he cocked his shot gun.
"Could you be nice." Bella and I said together. "They're important." I said and he just nodded. Bella and I walked towards the door to let them in. As soon as I saw Emmett I smacked his arm shaking my head.
Edward and Emmett introduce themselves and Edward gives a weird speech about us being safe with them blah, blah, blah.
"The girls won't be out late they're just going to play baseball with our family." Edward said and I looked at Emmett confused. Since when were we going to play baseball. Charlie makes a joke about Bella playing baseball.
We started walking towards Emmett's  jeep when I stopped Edward. "What you said in there made you sound like a total weirdo..guys now a days don't do that." I said with a chuckle.
"Really..?" He said and I nodded. "Not to sound like a conceited bitch but Mike and Eric both tried asking me to prom and they never met Charlie." I said and he nodded.
"And by the way how come I didn't know we were playing baseball?" I said wrapping an arm around Emmett.
"Oops." He said before lifting me into his jeep.

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