Edweirdo is MIA

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It was another beautifully cold day at Forks High School. Bella was leaned up against the truck as I sat on the hood eating gummy bears and people watching.
The people of this small town were very boring, it seemed as though everyday was on repeat. I didn't snap out of my thoughts until the Cullen's pulled into the parking lot. Rosalie and Alice in one car, Jasper and Ian in a jeep with Emmett standing up in the back of it.
When our eyes connected it felt as though we were stuck like staring for hours but it was just a moment before the jeep pulled away.
I began to feel like something was missing. I let my eyes wonder around the parking lot to see an empty space beside Emmett's jeep. "Where's the weird one?" I thought to myself.
It was later in the day and that meant it was time for the class that Bella and I shared with both Cullen's. Bella and I walked into the classroom in sync until she stopped staring at the vacant seat where Edward was suppose to be.
"Don't worry about it Bells." I whispered before walking around her taking my seat beside a smirking Emmett.
"Excuse me if this comes off as rude but what the hell is your brother's problem?" I asked raising an eyebrow
He just laughed as my face remained serious as I awaited an answer. "He-." Emmett went to say but I cut him off.
"I bet he was so intimidated by my twins beauty he decided to try and drop this class." I said sarcastically.
"No, No that's not it, maybe he decided that randomly being rude to the new girl was a great way to welcome her." I continued sarcasm laced in my voice.
Emmett just smile amused with the protective nature his mate shared over her sister. He knew his brother was gonna have a hard time winning Zoe over.
Edweirdo was absent for over a week and Bella thought it was simply strange as Zoe just shrugged it off. "Just let the weirdo be." Zoe continually told her twin.
I was running late this morning and Bella seemed to be doing the same because Charlie decided to take the truck to get new tires this morning. I was rushing to the truck as Bella already sat in the driver's seat and slipped on the icy ground.
"Zoe are you okay." Bella said rushing out of the truck and to my side causing her to slip as well.
"When they say twins feel each other's pain, this isn't what they meant." Charlie said helping us both us.
"There was an animal attack, so I'll be a-late for dinner." Charlie said and Bella and I looked to him confused.
"You girls aren't in Phoenix anymore." Charlie said before walking to his car. "Alright Bells let's hit the road." I said getting in the passenger seat letting her drive.
Bella and I were walking into the classroom when Eric joined my side and began talking. He was stuttering and speaking fast but I was able to catch the word prom before Mike walked in.
He waved his hat above my head. "What's up Arizona, how you liking the rain girl." He said bumping shoulders with Eric.
"Yeah Mike hey you're real cute man." Eric says as I walk towards the back of the room taking my seat.
When I sit down I look around the room for Bella and see her already in her seat next to Edweirdo. "He looks just as weird as the last time I saw him." I thought glaring towards him.
"You still don't like my brother?" Emmett asks from beside me. "Nothing person but was he adopted?" I said and immediately regret my words.
"Like I heard you were all adopted but was he like the runt of the litter?" I asked and he laughed. Emmett and I silently watch as Edward and Bella begin working together.
"Awkward meets Weirdo, the perfect match." I said laughing. "Honestly let's hope they don't get together." I continued.
"I bet you would like my sister Alice better." Emmett said and I hummed in response. "She seems like my type of people." I said and a smile appeared on his face.
"So do you know how to do this." I asked my gaze on the microscope placed in between us. He nodded and proceeded in showing me the assignment. As class was coming to an end we learned that Edward and Bella won the class competition and won the golden whatever award.
"This totally blows. We let our siblings beat us." I said frowning. "Don't frown gorgeous we'll beat them next time." He said as he walked me to my locker before heading to the parking lot

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