Breaking Charlie

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I took a deep breath before slamming the front door shut alarming Charlie. I began to stomp up the stairs with Bella quietly following behind me.
"Zoe what's going on?" Charlie asked following behind us. We both reached our bedrooms and as Charlie got in the hallway we slammed our doors shut.
"We need to get out of here!" I yelled through the door as I quickly packed my bag and tears were welling up in my eyes at the thought of Charlie's face as we leave him, just like our mom did.
"What happened?" Charlie asked through the door. "Zoe? Did Emmett break up with you?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my bag and opened my door to see his pained face.
"No I just hate this stupid town. I need to get out of here." I said pushing past him and into the bathroom to grab the rest of my stuff.
Charlie stood in the doorway as I threw stuff into my bag. "Is Bella leaving too?" He asked.
"Yeah she's packing." I said blinking away tears. This is becoming to real I don't want to abandon him.
"We're going back to Arizona." I said pushing into Bella's room. "Your mom isn't even in Phoenix Zoe." He said and I sighed.
"She will be when we get there." Bella said emerging from the bathroom.
"You girls are not leaving to drive to Arizona tonight! You can both sleep on it and if you feel like going back in the morning I'll drive you to the airport." Charlie said with reason.
"We want to drive it'll give us more time to think." I said. "If we get tired we'll pull into a motel I promise." Bella added.
Charlie followed us down the stairs as we walked towards the door. "Zoe, Bella please I know I'm not that much fun to be around but I can change that we can do more stuff together." Charlie said and tears started streaming down my face.
"Like watching baseball and eating at the diner every night? That's you dad not us." Bella said as her hand reached for the door knob.
"I just got you girls back." He said from behind us. I took a shaky breath before turning around. "If we don't get out of here now then we'll just be stuck here like mom." I said before following Bella out the door.
Bella and I got into the truck and as she began driving we heard two bodies drop into the back. We drove all the way to the Cullen's in silence. There wasn't much to say, I was in a state of shock.
I've never felt so guilty..I broke Charlie's heart, the man who just wanted his daughters back in his life. He would never forgive me even if he knew why I had to say what I did he would never truly forgive me.
Before I knew it Emmett was guiding me toward Ian's car. "W-what's going on?" I stuttered out.
"We're splitting you two up. Bella with go with Alice and Jasper and you with Ian okay." He said and I nodded.
Emmett knelt down beside the car. "I know it's a crappy time to say this but I love you." Emmett said.
"I love you too." I said leaning over and hugging him. "You'll be safe with Ian okay." He said and I nodded again.
"Yeah it'll give us time for some family bonding." Ian said and I laughed. "Alright ZoZo you ready?" Ian said and I nodded.
We drove to a hotel were we met up with Alice, Jasper and my sister. Bella and I were sitting on the couch when she had a vision.
Jasper handed her a pencil and paper and she began drawing our old dance studio.

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